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How do they celebrate Christmas in Serbia?

How do they celebrate Christmas in Serbia?

On Christmas Day, the celebration is announced at dawn by church bells, and by shooting from guns and prangijas. The head of household and some of the family go to church to attend the Morning Liturgy.

What is Santa called in Serbia?

Deda Mraz
Santa is known as Deda Mraz in Serbia, which translates as Grandpa Frost. Badnjak: A tradition that is central to Serbian Christmas, the badnjak is a symbolic oak branch that is burned in homes on Christmas Eve and over Christmas Day.

Why do Serbian Orthodox celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is one of the holiest days of the year for Serbian Orthodox Christians who follow the Julian calendar. It is preceded by 40 days of fasting during Advent to prepare for the birth of Christ. 19, and which happens to be many families’ slava, or patron saint’s day, there is no dispensation from the fast.

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What do Serbians eat on Christmas Eve?

After the fire is lit, the family gathers around dinner table. Christmas Eve dinner is substantial, but restrictions on what may be consumed still apply, so it is usually based around fish, beans, potatoes and dried or fresh fruit. In the Serbian tradition, family members leave home after dinner only to go to church.

What do Serbians say during Christmas?

In Serbian Happy/Merry Christmas is Hristos se rodi (Христос се роди) – Christ is born Vaistinu se rodi (Ваистину се роди) – truly born (reply). Happy/Merry Christmas in lots more languages. People in Serbia also celebrate St. Nicholas’ Day, but on the 19th December.

How do Orthodox say Merry Christmas?

That is because the Russian Orthodox church decided to stay with the Julian calendar, while much of the rest of the world switched to the newer Gregorian. The official way to say “Merry Christmas” in Russian is “S rozhdyestvom Hristovym!”, which means “Congratulations on the birth of Christ!”.

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What do you say in Serbian Christmas?

What is Merry Christmas in Serbian?

Hristos se rodi
In Serbian Happy/Merry Christmas is Hristos se rodi (Христос се роди) – Christ is born Vaistinu se rodi (Ваистину се роди) – truly born (reply). Happy/Merry Christmas in lots more languages.

How do they celebrate Christmas in Bulgaria?

Christmas follows the last day of the fasts – the 24th or Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve we eat only vegan dishes (just like during the fasts) and they have to be an odd number. We prepare delicious things like stuffed peppers with rice or beans, grape leaves stuffed with rise, pumpkin dishes and traditional bread.