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How do we get jute from jute plant?

How do we get jute from jute plant?


  1. Jute is harvested (stem)
  2. The stems are submerged in water for few days. (the stem decays and fibres remain.)
  3. Then the stems are taken out and the jute fibres are separated from their stems by the process called stripping. ( done by hand)
  4. Then they are spun into yarns and fabrics are made from yarns.

How are jute fibre obtained?

Jute is extracted from the bark of the white jute plant (Corchorus capsularis) and to a lesser extent from tossa jute (C. olitorius). It is a natural fibre with golden and silky shine and hence called the Golden Fibre. Jute is an annual crop taking about 120 days (April/May-July/August) to grow.

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How is jute plant grown?

To grow jute, farmers scatter the seeds on cultivated soil. The plants are usually harvested after they flower, before the flowers go to seed. The stalks are cut off close to the ground. The stalks are tied into bundles and soaked in water for about 20 days.

What is the jute plant?

Commonly known as jute, Corchorus capsularis is a tropical plant from which the fiber is extracted. Together with cotton, they are the two most commonly natural fiber worldwide used. Jute is also the name of the textile fibers extracted from another similar plant, Corchorus olitorius.

How do you harvest a jute plant?

Jute plants are harvested at the flowering stage. The stems are cut close to the ground and are then tied into bundles and soaked in water for a few days. This method of soaking is called retting. It softens the tissues and permits the fibres to be separated.

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Which part of jute plant is used to obtain jute fiber?

So, jute fiber is obtained from the stem of the jute plant.

How is jute fibres separated from jute plant?

The correct answer is Retting. The process by which jute fibers are obtained from the stem of the plant is known as retting. These fibers can then be separated from the non-fibrous matter by hand. This process is known as stripping.

Is jute Fibre is obtained from stem?

So, jute fibre is obtained from the stem of the jute plant. Therefore, the correct answer is option (D) Stem. Note: Bast fibres are the fibres extracted from the past which surround the stem. The main source of jute fibre is Corchorus olitorius.

Where does jute grow?

Jute is primarily grown in West Bengal, Odisha, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Andhra Pradesh. The jute industry in India is 150 years old. There are about 70 jute mills in the country, of which about 60 are in West Bengal along both the banks of river Hooghly. Jute production is a labour intensive industry.

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Why jute is cultivated in Westbengal?

Answer: because jute is grown in West Bengal as due to the alluvial new alluvium formed by river every year in bengal provided suitable condition for cultivation and west bengal has good soil fertility.

Can you eat jute?

The edible part of jute is its leaves. Richness in potassium, vitamin B6, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C make this crop particularly important, where people cover a high share of their energy requirement by micronutrient-poor staple crops. This vegetable is predominantly eaten in Africa and Asia.

When and where is the jute plant cultivated?

Explanation: Jute is generally sown in February on lowlands and in March May on a uplands . It is grown in rainy season. jute is a tropical crop and required high temperature between 24 degree celsius to 35 degree celsius.