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How do websites recognize my browser?

How do websites recognize my browser?

Websites can determine your operating system, browser version, installed plug-ins and their versions, your operating system’s screen resolution, your installed fonts, your time zone, and other information. If you’ve disabled cookies entirely, that’s another piece of data that makes your browser unique.

Can the website see what device I’m using and browser if I’m using VPN?

Yes, a website can see what device and browser you’re using while connected to a VPN. A VPN basically establishes an encrypted virtual direct connection between two points on the internet and helps mask your IP Address.

How does a website know I have visited?

IP Addresses Every user has a unique IP address that identifies them. By using IP addresses, websites can track what each user does on their site and what pages they visit. Your IP address can be used to determine your location and is the primary piece of data that will be used to track you.

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Can website detect Deviceid?

2 Answers. No, this is not possible. Even for native apps, device identity information is safeguarded behind the READ_PHONE_STATE permission. As websites cannot request permissions, you cannot retrieve this information outside of an app.

How do websites recognize my phone?

In most cases websites will look at the user agent header and then redirect or serve mobile content if accessed from mobile device. However, there are some sites that will serve mobile content even if you change agent in your browser (request desktop site in Android, for example).

Do websites know who you are?

No, servers don’t identify you as an individual, unless you tell them who you are.

Can websites see who you are?

Yes, website owners can see who visits their website and often with a great detail of useful information. Therefore online identifiers, including cookie identifiers, internet protocol addresses and device identifiers cannot be seen by website owners.

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Can a website track your phone?

Visiting websites with your smartphone on mobile data can reveal your full name, phone number, address, and even location. With just your mobile IP address, a website can find out all of your billing information, and even your precise location.

Can someone see who viewed their website?