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How do you calculate a promoter?

How do you calculate a promoter?

To calculate your Net Promoter Score, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. It is that simple. So, if 50\% of respondents were Promoters and 10\% were Detractors, your Net Promoter is a score of 40.

How are NPS promoters detractors calculated?

Subtracting the percentage of detractors from the percentage of promoters. (The percentage of passives is not used in the formula.) For example, if 10\% of respondents are detractors, 20\% are passives and 70\% are promoters, your NPS score would be 70-10 = 60. Your NPS could range from -100 to 100.

What is the formula of NPS calculation?

Now that we have all the values we need, we can use the NPS formula to calculate the NPS score: NPS = \% of promoters – \% of detractors = 40\% – 20\% = 20\%

How do you calculate NPS percentage?

To get the percentage, take the group total and divide it by the total number of survey responses. Now, subtract the percentage total of Detractors from the percentage total of Promoters—this is your NPS score.

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How do you calculate net promoter in Excel?

How to calculate NPS in Excel:

  1. Add up the promoters – those who scored 9 and 10.
  2. Add up the detractors – those with responses 0 to 6 (included)
  3. To calculate the percentage, divide the number of promoters by the total number of responses.
  4. Repeat this process for detractors.

What is corpus in NPS?

The NPS calculator will show you the amount of corpus that will be accumulated by you at the time of maturity and approximate amount of monthly pension to be received by you. The amount of corpus accumulated by the time you retire will depend on your investment amount and returns generated.

How does Net Promoter work?

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is determined by subtracting the percentage of customers who are detractors from the percentage who are promoters. At one end of the spectrum, if when surveyed, all of the customers gave a score lower or equal to 6, this would lead to an NPS of -100.