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How do you complete a course successfully?

How do you complete a course successfully?

Eight Ways to Finish Your Course

  1. Have a WHY:
  2. Don’t spend too much time choosing your course:
  3. Spend your time working through the course, not just thinking about it:
  4. Make it a habit:
  5. Time management:
  6. Get organised with paper, writing equipment etc:
  7. Think of the small steps and break it down into pieces:

What are the initiatives that can be taken to improve online learning?

Use the chat function for students to respond to questions. Use physical whiteboards for students to show their thinking. Allow students to share their screen to showcase their work and explain how they solved a problem. Use virtual whiteboards for increased engagement.

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How would you improve your contribution to the class to become a better active learner for your virtual learning program?

9 Online Learning Strategies for Success

  1. Get Organized.
  2. Set Up Your Workspace.
  3. Figure Out How You Learn Best.
  4. Make A Schedule.
  5. Be an Active Participant.
  6. Stay Connected.
  7. Have an Open Mind.
  8. Ask Questions.

How do you commit to an online course?

Tips for Taking Online Classes

  1. Treat an online course like a “real” course.
  2. Hold yourself accountable.
  3. Practice time management.
  4. Create a regular study space and stay organized.
  5. Eliminate distractions.
  6. Figure Out How You Learn Best.
  7. Actively participate.
  8. Leverage your network.

How do you make online classes interesting?

  1. Present your best (online) self. Visuals.
  2. Use technology to your advantage.
  3. Find what inspires your students.
  4. Set goals and help your students stick to them.
  5. Keep it interactive.
  6. Break down the lesson and make it digestible.
  7. Make your students feel valued.
  8. Be patient with your students.

How can we make this online learning environment safe and encouraging for each participant?


  1. Keep a clean and orderly classroom.
  2. Allow students to be openly expressive and encouraging to others.
  3. Celebrate student work in different ways.
  4. Create a list of guidelines that are “law” (ex: no name-calling, bullying, etc.)
  5. Stay calm and in control always.
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How do you promote learning in a lesson?

Give learners clear lesson aims and refer to them at each stage

  1. keep track of the lesson stages.
  2. clearly see the connection between what they are doing in class and what they are supposed to learn.
  3. know exactly what is expected of them, reducing anxiety.
  4. self-monitor their progress.

How can we improve student engagement in online learning?

Recommendations to Increase Student Engagement in Online Courses

  1. Set Expectations and Model Engagement.
  2. Build Engagement and Motivation with Course Content and Activities.
  3. Initiate Interaction and Create Faculty Presence.
  4. Foster Interaction between Students and Create a Learning Community.
  5. Create an Inclusive Environment.

How do you stay focused in online classes?

7 tips on staying focused at home

  1. Maintain a consistent schedule.
  2. Make a daily checklist.
  3. Set up a comfortable workspace.
  4. Minimize distractions.
  5. Remember to take breaks.
  6. Find online tutors and assistance.
  7. Communicate with your professor (and also your peers).