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How do you deal with growing apart with your best friend?

How do you deal with growing apart with your best friend?

Chronister suggests it’s best to grieve the friendship to help you heal. “Grieve them and wish them well for your own peace. If you’re still seeing them but not [as] best friends, be kind and gracious [to them.] But if you’re too hurt by the change in the dynamic, be honest and give yourself space [to heal],” she says.

Is it OK to grow apart from friends?

Growing apart from friends is never fun, but it’s a natural part of life. You change, your friends change, and over time you find that you have less and less to talk about. Cherish the fond memories, and let those friendships fade away when they need to.

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How do you stop a friend from drifting away?

How to Deal When a Friendship Is Drifting Apart

  1. Acknowledge the friendship for what it was. Accept the fact that this person and this friendship mattered to you at one point in your life.
  2. Hold the friendship with loose hands.
  3. Allow yourself to grieve the friendship.
  4. Appreciate the present.
  5. Forgive.

How do you distance yourself from best friend?

Make excuses for why you can’t hang out. Your best friend might try to make plans with you when you start distancing yourself from them. If this happens, make an excuse for why you can’t. Say you already have plans, you don’t feel well, you have homework, or anything else you can think of to get out of it.

Is it normal to grow apart from your best friend?

But there are times when that shift in your friendship is actually you and your friend are growing apart, which can bring about a bag of mixed feelings. Sometimes that growing apart is necessary to grow as a person or to open the door for friendships that better suit who you’ve become.

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Is it selfish to grow apart from your best friend?

Growing up and growing apart from your best friend isn’t selfish or mean spirited. Chances are, it’s not even intentional. We need to cut ourselves some slack sometimes. Growth is a good thing. And the friends who are truly forever will understand that and be there to grow with you, together or apart.

Why is it so hard to grow apart from people?

Sometimes you just grow apart from people. You get older, your personality matures or devolves, and all of a sudden you find yourself not having a whole lot in common with someone you once did. This is just a casualty of growing up. For some reason, “growing apart” is the hardest thing to come to terms with.

Are you supposed to be super close to your best friend?

Sometimes it feels that when it comes to friendships, especially with someone who is your best friend, that it’s an all-or-nothing kind of situation. As in, if someone is your best friend, unless they do something absolutely unforgivable, you’re supposed to be super close for the rest of your lives.