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How do you expand your interests?

How do you expand your interests?

10 tips to increase interests and expand knowledge

  1. Leave things lying around to be discovered.
  2. Introduce things that are related or connected to a topic of interest.
  3. Visit places of interest.
  4. Volunteer.
  5. Read and visit your local library.

How do you expand your reading?

How You Can Expand Your Reading Life in just 5 Simple Steps!

  1. Print this genre chart. Identify what types of books you usually read.
  2. Decide what genres you want to try to read. Some people have certain genres they aren’t interested in reading AT ALL.
  3. Set a goal for yourself.
  4. Find some good books!
  5. Track your progress!

How do you find your interests?

4 Ways to Find a Hobby You Love (Because It’s Good for Your Life and Your Career)

  1. Transform What You Already Enjoy Into a Hobby.
  2. Reclaim Your Childhood Interests.
  3. Take an Assessment.
  4. Start Trying Things (and See What Sticks)
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How can literature expand our horizon?

First and foremost, literature opens our eyes and makes us see more than just what the front door shows. It helps us realize the wide world outside, surrounding us. With this, we begin to learn, ask questions, and build our intuitions and instincts. We expand our minds.

What are the skills and interest?

Skills and interests (health trainer)

  • good verbal and written communication skills.
  • active listening skills.
  • empathy, respect, tact, and a non-judgemental, persuasive, reassuring approach.
  • positivity and a supportive and motivating approach.
  • respect for client confidentiality.

How can I improve my literature writing?

Here are five ways to improve your writing skills:

  1. Start a blog. Writing your blog can be a good and refreshing beginning to improving your literature writing skills.
  2. Keep a diary.
  3. Find a pen pal.
  4. Write for school newsletter and magazines.
  5. Participate in a literary article competition.