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How do you feel okay with wasting time?

How do you feel okay with wasting time?

Sit down and think about what makes you happy and gets you in the flow, without overthinking the outcome of that activity. Focus on your output and how it makes you feel to work on producing it. For example, instead of thinking about happy you would be to publish a book, ask yourself if you really enjoy writing.

How do I stop feeling guilty about a lazy day?

How To Do Nothing And Not Feel Guilty About It

  1. Start small. The wonderful thing about niksen is that you’re always one step away from doing nothing.
  2. Don’t “correct” moments of silence.
  3. Do nothing in a place where you like to be.
  4. Get comfortable.
  5. Have pen and paper at hand.
  6. Save it for a rainy day.
  7. Be proud.
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Is wasting time bad?

There is a thin line between good and bad wasting of time, however. Unplugging and recharging, building relationships, learning a new skill, and hobbies are good time wasters. Bad wasting time would be doing trivial and unproductive tasks. Simply put, wasting time can be beneficial when you need to recharge.

Why do I feel bad for doing nothing?

This “feeling guilty for not being productive” is actually a type of anxiety. This anxiety is called “time anxiety” and everybody has a little bit of time anxiety in them. It is a manageable anxiety therefore there are steps you can take to cope with it, making life much easier and stress-free for yourself.

Is it bad to not be productive?

The bottom line is: whatever you feel is 100 percent okay. This is not a normal situation and it’s of utmost importance to practice compassion and give yourself permission to not be productive. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, Beecroft recommends journaling and practicing breathing exercises.

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Is it OK to do nothing on a day off?

Do what make you feel good. Don’t listen to bad voices because you are who you are 🙂 No. Day off is mine, I would do anything that I love to do so that I can recuperate my health, energy after a day of hard working.

Is it OK to do nothing on days off?

Above all else, remember that it’s not wrong to turn off your to-do list for a day, or even a few days. You’re not a horrible person if you do it, even if it means putting all your obligations on hold, be they to yourself, your boss or client, or your family and friends, as long as they’re not urgent matters.

Is it OK to have days where you do nothing?

It can be whatever fits you- self care, trying/learning something new, or just doing something productive for 10 minutes. As long as you do just one of these, You’ll never have a ‘nothing’ day. This, however, makes having an intentional break, lazy, do ‘nothing’ day even more difficult, especially for someone like me.