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How do you find the peak of a 2D array?

How do you find the peak of a 2D array?

Method 2 : (Efficient)

  1. Consider mid column and find maximum element in it.
  2. Let index of mid column be ‘mid’, value of maximum element in mid column be ‘max’ and maximum element be at ‘mat[max_index][mid]’.
  3. If max >= A[index][mid-1] & max >= A[index][pick+1], max is a peak, return max.

What is a peak in an array?

Peak element is the element which is greater than or equal to its neighbors. For example – In Array {1,4,3,6,7,5}, 4 and 7 are peak elements. We need to return any one peak element.

What is peak of an image?

A peak is a position on the image where all the surrounding pixels have a smaller value: The range of values of a pixel depends on the application and it’s the sensitivity property of the image.

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How do you find the peak value in Matlab?

Use findpeaks with default settings to find the peaks of the signal and their locations. [pks,locs] = findpeaks(PeakSig,x); Plot the peaks using findpeaks and label them. Sort the peaks from tallest to shortest.

What is Peak element in Java?

A peak element is an element that is greater than its neighbors. If the array is sorted in ascending order, the peak element is the last. The problem with this approach is that its worst-case time complexity is O(n), where n is the size of the input.

What is a peak finding problem?

• An element A[i] is a peak if it is not smaller than. its neighbor(s). I.e., – if i ≠ 1, n : A[i]≥A[i-1] and A[i]≥A[i+1] – If i=1 : A[1] ≥ A[2] – If i=n : A[n] ≥ A[n-1] • Problem: find any peak.

What is peak data structure?

A peak is a position at which the elements to sides all four sides, up — down — left — right are smaller than the element at the position. Case 1, Straight forward traversing: Traverse the whole 2-D matrix and compare all the elements.

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What is peak of a signal?

PSNR is defined as the ratio of the maximum possible power of a signal to the power of corrupting noise that affects representation fidelity.