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How do you find the repulsive force between two protons?

How do you find the repulsive force between two protons?

a) Let’s calculate the repulsion force between near protons in the interaction point. so the distance between near protons is: d = 2·r → d ~ 10-5 cm. According to the Coulomb law repulsion between nearest protons is: b) We can also calculate the repulsion force between near protons far from a collision point.

What is the force between an electron and a proton separated by a distance of?

Compare the electrostatic force between an electron and proton separated by 0.530 × 10−10 m with the gravitational force between them. This distance is their average separation in a hydrogen atom.

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What repulsive Coulomb force exists between two protons in a nucleus of iron?

9.2 newts
The answer we come up with is that the repulsive force is going to be 9.2 newts.

What is the repulsive force between two electrons?

The electric force between two electrons is the same as the electric force between two protons when they are placed as the same distance. This implies that the electric force does not depend on the mass of the particle. Instead, it depends on a new quantity: the electric charge.

How do you find the repulsive force?

In the equation Felect = k • Q1 • Q2 / d2 , the symbol Felect represents the electrostatic force of attraction or repulsion between objects 1 and 2.

How is the Coulomb force between two charges affected by the presence of a third charge?

By the superposition principle, the force between two charges does not depend on the presence of third charge. Hence the force between two charges say q1 and q2 remains same i.e F.

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What is the force between two protons?

The force between the two protons is an electrostatic force of repulsion. Electrostatic force is a force that is produced between charges.

How far apart must two protons be if the electric repulsive force?

The correct option is D Two protons in an atomic nucleus are typically separated by a distance of 2×10−15m. The electric repulsive force between the protons is huge, but the attractive nuclear force is even stronger and keeps the nucleus from bursting apart.

How far apart should the two electrons be if the force each exerts on the other?

The weight of the proton is equal to the product of mass and acceleration due to gravity. Hence, the distance of separation is equal to 0.117m.

How do you determine if a force is attractive or repulsive?

If both the interacting particles are positively or negatively charged, then the force is repulsive. If both the interacting particles are of opposite charges then the force is attractive in nature.