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How do you get an amateur radio license in Australia?

How do you get an amateur radio license in Australia?

The Australian Maritime College at the University of Tasmania manages these exams in Australia. If you pass the exam, the AMC will give you a certificate for the appropriate level. They will also recommend a call sign for you. When you have a certificate of proficiency you can apply for an amateur licence.

How do I get a radio Licence in Australia?

An amateur apparatus licence is for hobby radio and technical experimentation. You must be qualified to get an amateur licence….Apply for an amateur apparatus licence

  1. assign you a frequency.
  2. give you a frequency assignment certificate.
  3. apply for your licence for you.

Are Baofeng radios illegal in Australia?

ALL Baofeng Radios Are Illegal To Use In Australia. Most of these radios come in Illegally and are Programmed with Police and other frequencies that interfere with licensed users and Public Safety Radios.

Can I own a ham radio?

A – No License is required to purchase the equipment, nor to Monitor (listen) to the many Amateur (Ham) Radio frequencies. However, an FCC License is required to Transmit on Amateur Radio Frequencies in the USA. Amateur Radios are available in Base, Mobile & HandHeld Portable units.

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Are Baofeng radios legal in Australia?

Do you need a radio Licence in Australia?

While the VHF Radio itself does not need to be licenced or registered with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), the Operator of the Radio requires a Certificate of Proficiency.

Are police scanners legal in Australia?

Australia. It is legal to possess a scanner in Australia. It is legal to listen to any transmission that is not classified as telecommunication (i.e. anything not connected to the telephone network).

What radio frequencies are illegal in Australia?

You can no longer use wireless microphones in the frequency range of 694 to 820 MHz.

Do police use Baofeng radios?

No, Baofeng radios are not police scanners. So you decided to sink a couple bucks into a Baofeng just to see what all the hype is about.