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How do you get infinite ammo in Resident Evil 2 ps1?

How do you get infinite ammo in Resident Evil 2 ps1?

Unlimited Ammo During a game, push Select to open the options menu. Choose Key Configuration and hold R1 while pressing the SQUARE button [ten times]. When activated, the Auto or Manual setting should turn red.

How do you get infinite ammo in Resident Evil?

Accumulate as much treasure as possible during a run, and when you start a New Game+ file, save next to The Duke and sell everything except the gun you wish to upgrade fully. Once its upgraded, reload the save file and fully upgrade another weapon – as the infinite ammo will be unlocked for the previous weapon.

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How do you get unlimited pistols in Resident Evil 2?

Unlockables: Weapons Unbreakable Combat Knife – Destroy all Mr. Raccoon Toys to unlock. Unlimited Ammo Samurai Edge Handgun – S-Rank the game on Standard Difficulty to unlock. Unlimited Ammo LE-5 Submachine Gun – S-Rank the game on Hardcore Difficulty to unlock.

How do you get the sub machine gun in Claire’s?

To acquire Claire’s powerful sub machine gun, you need the S.T.A.R.S. Badge, which can be examined and turned into a USB to open the Armory in the S.T.A.R.S. Office on the second floor of the police station.

What is re2 Dual Shock?

The Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition, set in Raccoon city, is created for the Sony PlayStation platform. You control the protagonist’s destiny in the Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition as you make your way through crash sites and abandoned buildings, battling the blood-thirsty zombies.

How do you unlock infinite ammo in Resident Evil Revelations?

Unlockable weapons

  1. Hydra Shotgun – Complete the game on Normal difficulty or higher.
  2. Handgun PC356 – Defeat 150 enemies.
  3. Infinite Launcher – This Rocket Launcher with infinite ammo can be unlocked by beating the main campaign on Infernal Mode.
  4. Rifle PSG1 – Scan 15 hidden handprints.
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How much is infinite ammo for the stake?

An infinite ammo weapon that may be fully unlocked with just a total of 80000 CP. It’s relatively easy to obtain since it doesn’t need to be upgraded nor customized.

Can you buy unlimited ammo Resident Evil 2?

You can now purchase DLC that unlocks all of Resident Evil 2’s in-game rewards, including The 4th Survivor mode and infinite ammo for a variety of weapons.

What is the best handgun in Resident Evil 2 remake?

Top 5 Resident Evil 2 Handguns

  1. Quickdraw Army: Best for Fire Rate AND Damage!
  2. JMB Hp3: Best for Accuracy and Clip Size.
  3. M19: Best for Damage.
  4. Matilda: Best for a Well-rounded Weapon.
  5. SLS 60: Best for Tickling Zombies. Here comes the tickle monster!

How do you get Matilda in Resident Evil 2?

It can only be obtained in Leon’s Story, and Second Story. The High-Capacity Mag increases your clip to 24 rounds, and can be found at Leon’s Desk in the West Office of the Police Station. It is locked by two separate Dial Locks that require the first letters of the names your co-workers as seen by their name plates.

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Will Resident Evil village have infinite ammo?

The first step is unlocking the Extra Content Shop, accessible in the main menu under “Bonuses” after beating Resident Evil Village at least once. It is only after your gun is fully upgraded that unlimited ammo becomes available for that weapon in the Extra Content Shop in the main menu.