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How do you get JP games on iOS?

How do you get JP games on iOS?

There is one main way to get Japanese games with an iOS device and thats by simply creating a new account and make sure the country region is set to Japan. Easy. If only google play could do this too so it wouldn’t be so much work. You can do this either on your device or on your computer if you have itunes.

Is QOO a Chinese app?

QooApp is a professional platform specializing in anime games and otaku cultures. Today, QooApp provides multilingual services including Chinese, English, Korean, and Japanese etc. for over 30 million users across 200 different countries and growing. QooApp’s headquarter is situated in Hong Kong.

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How do I get Japanese App Store on IOS?

Change your region online

  1. Sign in to your Apple ID account page.
  2. Scroll to the Account section, then click Edit.
  3. From the Country/Region menu, select your new country or region.
  4. Follow the onscreen instructions. You must enter a valid payment method for your new country or region.*

How do I get a Japanese 2020 Apple ID?

Go to appleid.apple.com/account. Fill out the form. *Email must be different from your main Apple ID (if you already have one) or your main email address (in case you plan to have a main Apple ID). Choose “Japan” from the list of countries.

Is QOO app trusted?

Google Play, so they are 100\% safe. There are other platforms which are similar to QooApp. Please stay alert and always download from QooApp.

How can I play Japanese mobile games?

Thankfully, an app called QooApp can help you play your favorite Japanese/Korean games on your mobile phone. With this app installed, you can get access to region-locked games and download them just as you download any app from the Play Store.

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Is Monster strike still available?

Monster Strike, the popular mobile game by Japanese dev Mixi, is closing down in China on February 20th 2020. Tencent first published the game in 2014, but it was shut down in 2015.

How do I download Japanese apps on my iPhone?


  1. Step 1: Open iTunes.
  2. Step 2: Go to the store.
  3. Step 3: Now select Japan as from the countries listed.
  4. Step 4: Search for Apple Store, click the app and click Get.
  5. Step 5: Click Create Apple ID.
  6. Step 6: Click Continue.
  7. Step 7: Accept iTunes Store Japan’s Terms and Conditions and Apple Privacy Policy.

How do I get a Japanese apple ID 2021?
