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How do you get rid of clingy friends without hurting their feelings?

How do you get rid of clingy friends without hurting their feelings?

Clingy friend? Here’s how to cope (without hurting their feelings)

  1. Don’t get angry at her.
  2. Don’t ghost her.
  3. Introduce her to other people.
  4. Encourage her to hang out with those other people.
  5. Make plans that are convenient for you.
  6. Say no.
  7. Be direct and honest.
  8. Have you ever had to deal with a clingy friend?

How do you tell someone they are clingy without hurting their feelings?

How to Tell Your Friend They’re Being Clingy (Without Hurting…

  1. Step 1: Know what your boundaries are (and communicate them).
  2. Step 2: Try to use “I” statements when you talk to them.
  3. Step 3: Be ready to hear them out, too.
  4. Step 4: Prepare for possible discomfort.
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How do you set boundaries with clingy friends?

How to Respectfully Set Boundaries With a Needy Friend

  1. Respond to Their Texts Sporadically. A needy friend is likely to contact you at any given time.
  2. Make Your Routines Very Clear.
  3. Avoid Making One-on-One Plans With Them.
  4. Avoid ‘How Are You?
  5. Just (Respectfully) Say ‘No’

How do I stop being clingy?

How to Stop Being Clingy in a Relationship

  1. Put Down the Phone. If you tend to be the clingy type, you may be used to constantly contacting your partner throughout the day.
  2. Pursue Your Own Passions.
  3. Give Your Partner Space.
  4. Stop Being Jealous.
  5. Build Your Self-Esteem.

How do I stop being a clingy friend?

How To Not Be Clingy With Friends

  1. Check if you’re actually clingy.
  2. Understand the root cause of your clinginess.
  3. Have a full life.
  4. Respect other people’s boundaries.
  5. Make it easy to say “no”
  6. Don’t push to be ‘best’ friends.
  7. Avoid putting people on a pedestal.
  8. Avoid having a timetable.
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What causes Clinginess?

Clinginess can be a caused by a variety of things. Very often, it can be caused by low self-esteem or insecurity. Expressing a strong need for attention can be a manifestation of the fear that a partner either doesn’t like you, or that they’ll leave.