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How do you get the most rare gems in Bejeweled Blitz?

How do you get the most rare gems in Bejeweled Blitz?

Rare Gems can also be earned by achieving certain Key Stone goals. Continuous Rare Gem “streaks” are offered for up to three Blitz games in a row, each with a successively lowered price. Doing a Daily Spin five times in a Weekly Tournament gives a free Rare Gem.

What is the highest score on Bejeweled Blitz?

804,200 points
The highest score on the Flash game Bejeweled Blitz is 804,200 points and was achieved by Lee Chen Wei on 06 Aug 2011. The record was broken on the Guinness World Record Challengers site.

Is Bejeweled Blitz ending?

Bejeweled Blitz for Facebook will end with Adobe Flash Player on December 31, but this game will still work on iOS and Android.

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What are rare gems in blitz?

Rare Gems are a great way to supercharge your Bejeweled Blitz game for high scores and extra Coin payouts. Rare Gems are rare and beautiful gems which you can find and harvest by playing Bejeweled Blitz. Each Rare Gem has its own unique gameplay effect.

How do you get Hypercubes in blitz?

A Hypercube is created by creating a match of 5 gems (or more in Bejeweled 2 and Blitz). When the Hypercube is swapped with any gem, it zaps and destroys all gems of the color swapped with on the board.

What are Hypercubes in blitz?

Hypercube- A Hypercube is a special item that eliminates all gems of one color (whichever color the Hypercube is matched with). A Hypercube is made by matching 5 gems of the same color in a row. 3.

How many levels are in Bejeweled Blitz?

Bejeweled Blitz There are 131 ranks ranging from ‘Novice’ to ‘Elder Bejewelian’. Like Bejeweled Twist, the rank was represented by a Rank Insignia, although this time instead of being represented by stars, it’s represented by a meter.

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What can you do with shards in Bejeweled Blitz?

Since the upgrade of Bejeweled Blitz we now have shards & diamonds that can be used to upgrade Boosts.

What are gold bars for in Bejeweled Blitz?

Gold Bars are the Premium Resource of Bejeweled Blitz. They buy Coin Packs, Spin Packs, and Chests….To upgrade:

  • Click Play from the Home Screen.
  • In the Boost Equip Screen, tap on the Boost you want to upgrade.
  • Choose Upgrade to take the Boost to the next level.

How do you get the most flame gems in Bejeweled Blitz?

Flame Gems – Use the Blazing Steed Rare Gem as it puts out eight Flame Gems at the end of each game. You can also use the Mystery Boost for a chance to increase the number of Flame Gems destroyed in a game. Hypercubes – Snow Glove coupled with Mystery Boost can significantly increase the Hypercubes on your board.