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How do you get used to sleeping on a firm mattress?

How do you get used to sleeping on a firm mattress?

The easiest way to adjust to your new mattress is to simply keep on sleeping on it. Allow your body to get accustomed to the firmer mattress feel, and see from there if it’s something you can eventually appreciate. If you find it difficult to sleep on a firm mattress even after a few nights, don’t fret!

Why does it hurt to sleep on a firm mattress?

If you go to bed feeling great and wake up miserable, it’s a good sign your mattress is causing back pain. A mattress that’s too soft will cause your spine to fall out of alignment all night long, and a mattress that’s too firm will cause joint pressure in your hips that leads to pain in your lower back.

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How long does it take to get used to sleeping on a firm mattress?

While the time needed to adjust varies depending on the materials used in the mattress, most experts agree that 30 days should be enough time for the materials to become broken in.

What happens if your mattress is too firm?

If your mattress is too firm, you might experience a few different symptoms. An overly-firm mattress can put excess strain on your pressure points (shoulders, hips, and torso) or cause spinal misalignment. You might also find that your body stays tense as you sleep, resulting in muscle, neck, or back pain.

Will my back get used to a firm mattress?

If you are experiencing back discomfort after switching to a new mattress, the possibility of the new mattress causing lower back pain is high. You just need to give your body some time to adapt to it. Sleep experts highly recommend changing a mattress every 7-8 years.

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Is it better to sleep on a hard mattress or soft?

For those not experiencing troublesome back pain, a firm mattress is will generally be more comfortable. Firm mattresses are generally better for those who sleep on their back, because they provide a more stable and even surface. Stomach sleepers tend to fare better on a firmer mattress, too.

How do I know if my bed is too firm?

Here are a few of the main signs that your mattress is too firm for you:

  1. It doesn’t contour to your body.
  2. It feels uncomfortable.
  3. You wake up with back or neck ache.
  4. You get a better sleep when you sleep on a softer mattress elsewhere.

How long does it take to break in a mattress?

30 to 90 days
Most mattresses take anywhere from 30 to 90 days to fully “break in.” Your new mattress may be different from your old one, or it may seem stiff from its newness, and thus may seem uncomfortable for a little while. Like a new pair of shoes, the mattress materials haven’t had time to soften and conform to your body.

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Is it better to sleep on firm mattress?

When sleeping on a firmer surface, the bones absorb most of the pressure, meaning there is less stress on muscles, veins and arteries. Muscles are less strained, and circulation is improved. Firm mattresses are generally better for those who sleep on their back, because they provide a more stable and even surface.