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How do you handle a void pointer?

How do you handle a void pointer?

To overcome this problem, we use a pointer to void. A pointer to void means a generic pointer that can point to any data type. We can assign the address of any data type to the void pointer, and a void pointer can be assigned to any type of the pointer without performing any explicit typecasting.

Should you use void pointers?

void pointers should be used any time the contents of a block of data is not important. For example when copying data the contents of a memory area is copied but the format of the data is not important.

What is void pointer used for in C?

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The void pointer in C is a pointer which is not associated with any data types. It points to some data location in the storage means points to the address of variables. It is also called general purpose pointer. In C, malloc() and calloc() functions return void * or generic pointers.

What we Cannot do on a void pointer?

Correct Option: B Because the void pointer is used to cast the variables only, So pointer arithmetic can’t be done in a void pointer.

Can we typecast void into int?

You’re return ing the value of int sum by setting a void * address to it. In this case, the address is not valid. But, if you keep that in mind and get the value of sum by casting a void * to int it will work.

Which of the following are true in case of void pointer?

A void pointer is a pointer that can point to any type of object, but does not know what type of object it points to. A void pointer must be explicitly cast into another type of pointer to perform indirection. A null pointer is a pointer that does not point to an address. A void pointer can be a null pointer.

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Which of the following is true about void pointer?

A void pointer is a pointer that has no associated data type with it. A void pointer can hold address of any type and can be typcasted to any type. Note that the above program compiles in C, but doesn’t compile in C++. In C++, we must explicitly typecast return value of malloc to (int *).

Can a void pointer be dereferenced in C?

1) void pointers cannot be dereferenced. For example the following program doesn’t compile. The following program compiles and runs fine. 2) The C standard doesn’t allow pointer arithmetic with void pointers. However, in GNU C it is allowed by considering the size of void is 1.

Is it possible to do arithmetic arithmetic with void pointers in C?

2) The C standard doesn’t allow pointer arithmetic with void pointers. However, in GNU C it is allowed by considering the size of void is 1. For example the following program compiles and runs fine in gcc. Note that the above program may not work in other compilers.

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What is the proper typecast for a void pointer VP?

For example: In the above snippet void pointer vp is pointing to the address of integer variable a. So in this case vp is acting as a pointer to int or (int *). Hence the proper typecast in this case is (int*).

Can a pointer of type int hold a float variable?

We have learned in chapter Pointer Basics in C that if a pointer is of type pointer to int or (int *) then it can hold the address of the variable of type int only. It would be incorrect, if we assign an address of a float variable to a pointer of type pointer to int. But void pointer is an exception to this rule.