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How do you indent curly braces?

How do you indent curly braces?

Here are the guidelines you should follow:

  1. Indent each line of code between two matching curly brackets by one extra level.
  2. Be consistent in how much you indent each time.
  3. Place each opening curly bracket on the same line as the preceding control flow statement, and place each closing curly bracket on a separate line.

Why do we indent lines inside the braces of a function?

Statements within the braces are indented to the same level as the braces. Indenting the braces emphasizes that they are subordinate to the control statement. The ending brace no longer lines up with the statement, but instead with the opening brace.

Why should you indent your code?

In computer programming languages, indentation is used to format program source code to improve readability. Indentation is generally only of use to programmers; compilers and interpreters rarely care how much whitespace is present in between programming statements.

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Why Python uses indentation instead of curly braces?

Among programmers using languages which ignore white space the prevailing conventions are to indent blocks of code to facilitate readability by humans. Python merely uses this (nearly universal) convention as part of its syntax which allows it to dispense with other block ending tokens.

Where do you put curly brackets?

For methods, the opening curly brace is on a separate line. But for other blocks (such as the “if” statement), the curly brace is on the same line.

What is the purpose of curly braces in Java?

In a Java program, everything is subordinate to the top line — the line with class in it. To indicate that everything else in the code is subordinate to this class line, you use curly braces. Everything else in the code goes inside these curly braces. In an outline, some stuff is subordinate to a capital letter A item.

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Where do I put my curly brackets in code?

Why is indentation and spacing important?

In some languages, indentation and spacing are even required for the code to function properly. While that’s not the case with HTML or JavaScript, it’s still very important to properly indent our code. Proper indentation makes our code cleaner and more readable. It also makes it easier to prevent bugs.

Does Python allow curly braces?

In fact, Python supports curly braces, BEGIN/END, and almost any other language’s block schemes: see python.org/doc/humor/…!

Does Python need curly braces?

As others have mentioned, you are correct, no curly braces in Python. Also, you do not have no end or endif or endfor or anything like that (as in pascal or ruby). All code blocks are indentation based.