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How do you know if a fireplace is safe to use?

How do you know if a fireplace is safe to use?

5 Easy Steps to Make Sure Your Fireplace Is Safe

  1. #1 Examine the Firebox. Look for any cracks, gaps, or signs of wear in the lining of the firebox (the interior of the fireplace).
  2. #2 Look for Telltale Smoke Stains.
  3. #3 Make Sure Your Grate Is the Right Size.
  4. #4 Check the Chimney.
  5. #5 Double-Check Your Fire Extinguisher.

Is it safe to have a fireplace in your home?

Apart from air-quality issues, fireplaces bring a whole slew of other safety risks into your home including (but not limited to) an accidental fire spread, smoke inhalation, burns, and carbon monoxide leaks. Additionally, you’ll have to spend a good amount of time yourself keeping an eye on the fire as well.

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Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from a wood fireplace?

CO is one of several products from the combustion process. It’s also the most dangerous and deadly. The direct answer to the question above is: yes. Your gas, pellet or wood burning stove, insert or fireplace will produce carbon monoxide.

Is it safe to have fire in fireplace?

Make sure the area around the fireplace is clear of anything that is potentially flammable (ie: furniture, drapes, newspapers, books, etc.). If these items get too close to the fireplace, they could catch fire. Never leave a fire in the fireplace unattended.

How do you tell if your chimney is blocked?

Signs of a blocked chimney and its flue liner include:

  1. An excessive smell of smoke during a fire.
  2. A white residue on the walls of the flue liner.
  3. Water leakage.
  4. Debris falling towards the base of the fireplace.

Can fireplace smoke be harmful?

“Exposure to wood-burning smoke can cause asthma attacks and bronchitis and also can aggravate heart and lung disease.” In addition to the fireplace smoke that can be released inside the home, research has shown that up to 70\% of smoke released via the chimney re-enters your home.

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Are fireplaces a fire hazard?

Yes, fireplaces are capable of starting a house fire! Many people don’t realize the possible dangers fireplaces pose. According to the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) more than 25,000 chimney fires cause $120 million in damage nationwide..

Can smoke from a fireplace make you sick?

Health effects of wood smoke The biggest health threat from smoke is from fine particles, also called fine particulate matter or PM2. 5. These microscopic particles can get into your eyes and respiratory system, where they may cause burning eyes, runny nose, and illnesses, such as bronchitis.

How common are chimney fires?

There are over 25,000 reported chimney fires a year in the U.S. While some sound like a low-flying jet and include flames shooting out the top of the chimney, others are slow-burning and go undetected until a chimney inspection uncovers damage. Chimney fires are dangerous, but they are preventable.

Is it safe to use a wood fireplace?

Safety Measures: Always use fireplace tools, not your hands, for handling burning logs. Do not use a fireplace as a furnace. A fireplace should be used for no more than five hours at a time. Use a screen in front of the fire to prevent possible sparks from causing a house fire.