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How do you make friends when your shy?

How do you make friends when your shy?

How to Make Friends If You’re Shy

  1. Find common interests.
  2. Get involved in group activities.
  3. Spend time in public places.
  4. Accept invitations to hang out with others.
  5. Be a good listener.
  6. Ask questions.
  7. Compliment people.
  8. Take risks.

How do you turn shy into strength?

But there are things everyone can do to turn their shyness into strengths.

  1. Embrace structure. One of the things shy people find hardest is social ambiguity or spontaneous social situations.
  2. Be aware of social cues.
  3. Try a different communication technique.

How does it feel to talk to a shy person?

When a shyer person first has to talk to someone, they often feel anxious and put on the spot. They may also be a bit defensive and put up barriers. After a few minutes the anxiousness and cautiousness can fade and they’ll start to open up.

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How do you make a shy person open up to you?

When a shyer person first has to talk to someone, they often feel anxious and put on the spot. They may also be a bit defensive and put up barriers. After a few minutes the anxiousness and cautiousness can fade and they’ll start to open up. Sometimes all you have to do is wait a bit for their discomfort to dissipate.

Do shy people hate the idea of conversation?

Shy, quiet people say this all the time: It’s not they hate the idea of conversation, but they prefer to discuss deeper, more-interesting topics, not yak about the weather or sports just for the sake of speaking. They don’t have as much patience for that kind of thing.

Why do people leave me alone when I’m quiet?

Here’s the problem with being quiet: People usually don’t understand that you’re quiet because you’re shy or don’t know what to say (or because you’re an overthinker, like me) Instead, they think that you’re quiet because you don’t want to talk to them. So, they think they’ll do you a service by leaving you alone.