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How do you obfuscate in Objective C?

How do you obfuscate in Objective C?

Objective-C code cannot be 100\% obfuscated. There are some open source and some commercial tools that will obfuscate the class name, the custom methods and variables, but be aware that they can easily break and crash your app.

How do I obfuscate my code?

Obfuscation techniques

  1. Renaming. The obfuscator alters the methods and names of variables.
  2. Packing. This compresses the entire program to make the code unreadable.
  3. Control flow.
  4. Instruction pattern transformation.
  5. Dummy code insertion.
  6. Metadata or unused code removal.
  7. Opaque predicate insertion.
  8. Anti-debug.

Should you code obfuscate?

Code Obfuscation is safe. But still I would recommend you to first test your app compiled with obfuscated code before releasing it. Also, while testing before production should be done without obfuscation, as obfuscation is very time consuming many times. Your obfuscated code will be safer, but not safest.

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How do I obfuscate IOS code?

One particular code obfuscation technique is the symbol renaming. The idea is basically to replace the name of symbols in the app (class names, method names etc.) with random strings. It strips them of any meaning and makes it harder to identify their role in the application.

How do you obfuscate a website?

You cannot obfuscate your webpage to the level where not even a browser can deobfuscate it, because in that case there is no point in publishing your web page – no-one can display. You have to face it and accept it: whatever you put out on the net, will be there for others to check and copy.

Why is obfuscation good?

Code obfuscation is the act of deliberately obscuring source code, making it very difficult for humans to understand, and making it useless to hackers who may have ulterior motives. The purpose of obfuscation is to make it difficult for humans to understand the data.

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Should JavaScript be obfuscated?

Obfuscating your code is not a good idea. It will only inconvenience legitimate users (eg. when they need to fix a bug), and do nothing to ‘protect’ it from people who have a (financial) incentive to reverse-engineer it. It is fundamentally impossible to prevent reverse-engineering of Javascript code.

Do iOS apps need obfuscation?

Therefore, complete code protection combined with comprehensive runtime protection is essential to fully protect your iOS apps. Choose a security product that applies advanced and strong obfuscation techniques to your apps in addition to other protection mechanisms.