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How do you pass CUSAT?

How do you pass CUSAT?

CUSAT CAT 2021 Preparation Tips – Check Preparation Tips & Tricks

  1. CUSAT CAT 2021 Preparation Tips.
  2. Time Management.
  3. Keep Yourself Fit & Positive Mind.
  4. Know Complete Syllabus.
  5. Strategy.
  6. Study Material or Books.
  7. Solve Previous Year Question Papers.

Is getting into cusat easy?

Answer- CUSAT CAT is not tougher than JEE Exam.

How to score below 1000 in CUSAT CAT?

A1: CUSAT releases the CUSAT CAT cutoff in the form of closing ranks and not as marks. So, it is not clear how much one should score in the exam to get a rank below 1000. Having said that, a rank below 1000 needs one to score very high in the exam. For that, you need to know the CUSAT CAT Syllabus well.

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How to appear in CUSAT rank list?

In order to appear in the CUSAT Rank list, candidates must achieve good marks. Based on your marks mainly the exam authorities will release the rank list, that is when you reach cut off marks set by the CUSAT authority. Candidates can download their CUSAT Rank list from the official website as soon as the authorities update the link.

How do I get CUSAT marks?

CUSAT marks can be acquired by preparing for the exams according to the syllabus and the exam pattern. In order to appear in the CUSAT Rank list, candidates must achieve good marks. Based on your marks mainly the exam authorities will release the rank list, that is when you reach cut off marks set by the CUSAT authority.

What is the eligibility criteria for CUSAT 2021?

The minimum eligibility requirements of CUSAT 2021 is mentioned below course-wise: Minimum eligibility required is 12th examination passed from the state of Kerala or any equivalent examination. Pass qualifying examination with 50\% marks in Mathematics & 50\% marks in PCM subjects put together.