Popular lifehacks

How do you politely decline a chain letter?

How do you politely decline a chain letter?

Just tell your friend point blank that you do not want to participate in the chain letter and to please not send you that one or any other chain letters. If they do send you one, you are not obligated to carry it forward.

How do you start a sticker chain letter?

So, you do two things: First, you mail one sheet of stickers to name #1. Second, you fill out the blank letter by moving name #2 buddy to #1 spot and put your child’s name in #2 spot. Then you send the letter to six friends. Eventually your child should get 36 packs of stickers (in an ideal world).

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What is the meaning of a chain letter?

Definition of chain letter : a letter sent to several persons with a request that each send copies of the letter to an equal number of persons.

What is another name for chain mail?

Chain-mail synonyms In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for chain-mail, like: chain armor, coat-of-mail, mail, ring armor, ring mail, chain armour and ring armour.

Are sticker chain letters illegal?

The U.S. Postal Inspection Service says such chain letters are illegal if they request money or other items of value and they promise a substantial return for those who participate. The government considers such letters, or pyramid schemes, to be forms of gambling.

How does the sticker chain letter work?

It’s such a cute idea. Once you receive your invitation to the sticker club, you send some stickers to the person listed as #1 at the bottom of the letter, and then you send a letter to six of your friends inviting them to join. In the end, if everyone complies, each child is meant to receive 36 packets of stickers.

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How good is chainmail?

Chain mail alone is highly effective against slashes. With flexibility similar to cloth and greater than hardened leather, mail allows for excellent mobility. Due to the way it drapes over the body, its weight is evenly distributed, making it less fatiguing than most other armors.

Why is it called chain mail?

Chain mail is the protective material that knights wear as part of a suit of armor. Made from small circles of metal, chain mail defends against slashing swords (not so much against fire-breathing dragons). Sometimes chain mail is just called mail, from the Old French maille, “mesh.”

When was chainmail used?

Chain mail (often just mail or sometimes chainmail) is a type of armour consisting of small metal rings linked together in a pattern to form a mesh. It was generally in common military use between the 3rd century BC and the 16th century AD in Europe, and longer in Asia and North Africa.

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How do book chains work?

All you have to do is buy one of your favorite books and send it to one person. The chain asks you to believe that if you send an item to one person you stand to benefit because you will recruit six more people and they’ll all send you books.

Is sticker club a pyramid scheme?

The promise was that for our efforts to send two packs of stickers, we would then get 36 from others in the “sticker club”. This is, of course, a classic pyramid scheme. This is why pyramid schemes are illegal.