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How do you politely refuse a drink?

How do you politely refuse a drink?

Statements to use in refusing alcohol:

  1. “I have more positive things in to do in my life.”
  2. “I don’t need to drink; being sober is a great high.”
  3. “I would rather hang out at the rec center or student center.”
  4. Say, “No thanks, I don’t need it.”
  5. “Sorry, my friends and I have chosen not to drink.”
  6. “Sorry, I don’t drink.”

How do you tell friends you don’t want to drink?

Here are a few suggestions for how to tell friends you’re not drinking:

  1. I’m cutting back on alcohol for a while.
  2. No thanks, I’m taking it easy tonight.
  3. I’m driving tonight, so no drinks for me.
  4. I’m sticking with soda tonight, thanks.
  5. No thank you!
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What are three reasons to not drink?

10 Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol

  • Alcohol may lead to weight gain.
  • Alcohol interferes with memory and learning.
  • Alcohol increases the likelihood that you will use other drugs.
  • Alcohol increases your risk of developing cancer.
  • Alcohol can lead to liver disease and other severe, chronic diseases.

How do you deal with people who pressure you to drink?

Think about who in the group might be supportive of your decision to change your drinking behaviour and consider making them an ally. You can speak to them beforehand, explain what you are trying to do, and tell them what you’d like them to do to help deal with any pressure from the group.

Why do they say never trust a man who doesn’t drink?

“Son, never trust a man who doesn’t drink because he’s probably a self-righteous sort, a man who thinks he knows right from wrong all the time. Some of them are good men, but in the name of goodness, they cause most of the suffering in the world.

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How do you tell guests to bring alcohol?

How to say BYOB politely – Quora. Just put it on the invitation, or add it to whatever you say when you invite people. It’s perfectly polite, as long as you don’t make some wise-ass remark abut a person needing to bring more or less booze than usual because they’re either a drunkard or a lightweight.

What kind of questions should you ask when serving guests?

You may also ask questions to determine what guests expect from the dining experience. For example: ready‐ even if the other entrees are not ready. beverage, dessert, or other items to make their meal more enjoyable. can answer any questions about the menu for them.

What are the safety precautions to be taken while working in restaurants?

∙ Always wash your hands before touching food, and always after coming from toilet. manager and don’t handle food. ∙ Use waterproof dressings on cuts and sores. And remember to keep those dressings clean. ∙ Be clean in yourself and in the clothes you wear. ∙ Don’t smoke in a kitchen or dinning room. And never cough or sneeze over food.

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How do you deal with guests and co‐workers?

∙ Call guests and co‐workers by name. ∙ Imagine how guests and co‐workers see a situation. ∙ Show sensitivity to guests’ and co‐workers’ feelings. ∙ Treat each guest and co‐worker as an individual. ∙ Welcome each guest as a new opportunity to provide guest service.

What do you need to know about serving food and beverages?

Most of what you need to know about Serving Food and Beverages. Serving Food and Beverages. Food & Beverage Service Personnel. The People responsible for service quality guest service. Organisation Structure. In any typical food & beverage service operation, a number of people are working together to serve the guest or customer.