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How do you politely tell someone is none of your business?

How do you politely tell someone is none of your business?

Polite alternative for “none of your business”

  1. This depends on the social situation, which includes both cultural and personal aspects.
  2. You could also preface it to soften the rudeness: I’m afraid, that is NOYB; I think for now that is NOYB, considering that we don’t know each other that well, it’s NOYB; etc…

What do you say when someone asks a nosy question?

It is also absolutely fine to answer their question by telling them that you find their question rather personal. You could also say that you find their question too nosy to dignify with an answer. If it is someone who rarely asks a question like that, I would not take that route.

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What can we say instead of none of your business?

You might also say: “That’s no concern of yours” or “That should not concern you.” (This is polite and yet firm, unlike “I’d rather not say,” which is somewhat weak and wishy-washy.)

Is it rude to say it’s none of your business?

Now these two phrases: it’s none of your business and mind your own business are slightly rude when said directly to the person. So this is something you only want to use with very good friends or perhaps a rude stranger who is making personal enquiries.

How do you professionally say mind your business?

2. “I appreciate your interest, but I prefer to handle it in my own way.” 3. “I want to try it my way but, if I need help, I know just where to turn.”

How do you respond to mind your own business?

Instead of saying, “stop asking me questions,” you can say, “mind your own business,” so that the other person isn’t offended. Keep your voice sounding “happy” to do so! Of course, you could say it angrily to let the other person know that they are being rude and you want them to stop talking about it.

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How do you politely tell someone to mind their business?

Compliment the person or say something nice to soften the reaction (she is trying to help you, after all). Be honest and tell her in a kind yet direct way that you don’t need her input. State the action that is the next step so it’s clear you don’t need advice. Redirect the conversation.