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How do you run two loops at the same time?

How do you run two loops at the same time?

In general you cannot use two infinite loops. That’s because it is senquentional program, so it cannot run second when until the first one is done. So if first loop is infinite, the second will never run. To do some kind of ‘multithreading’, in simplest way is to use timers and interrupts.

How do you run an infinite time loop?

while loop represents the infinite condition as we provide the ‘1’ value inside the loop condition. As we already know that non-zero integer represents the true condition, so this loop will run infinite times. We can also use the goto statement to define the infinite loop.

How do you run two loops in parallel Python?

If you want concurrency, here’s a very simple example:

  1. from multiprocessing import Process. def loop_a(): while 1:
  2. print(“a”) def loop_b(): while 1:
  3. print(“b”) if __name__ == ‘__main__’: Process(target=loop_a).start()
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How do you combine two loops in Python?

Summary: To write a nested for loop in a single line of Python code, use the one-liner code [print(x, y) for x in iter1 for y in iter2] that iterates over all values x in the first iterable and all values y in the second iterable.

What is an infinite loop How infinite loop is declared?

Infinite loop runs without any condition and runs infinitely. An infinite loop can be broken by defining a break logic in the body of instruction blocks.

What is an infinite loop give an example of infinite loop?

What is an Infinite Loop? An infinite loop occurs when a condition always evaluates to true. Usually, this is an error. For example, you might have a loop that decrements until it reaches 0.

What is an infinite loop give one example?

An infinite loop occurs when a condition always evaluates to true and because of this the loop control doesn’t go outside of that loop. Example: i = -1. while(i != 0): print(1)

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Can a function have two for loops?

Yes you can do a for loop like that, but you have one and just one condition for check. If you can make it check just a one condition for all of your variables for example an And (&&) conditional expression this will work fine, or if you just use the other variables for do something else it will work fine too.

How do you run two infinite loops in Python?

To run both loops at once, you either need to use two threads or interleave the loops together. def a(): while True: # infinite loop nr. 1 (kind of) print(‘Loop 1’) yield def b(): for _ in a(): # infinite loop nr.