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How do you say a long time no see formally?

How do you say a long time no see formally?

You could try, ‘Hi. It’s been too long,’ or, ‘Haven’t seen you for ages. ‘ or ‘How are you? It’s been a while!

Is Long time no see grammatically correct?

“Long time no see” is an English expression used as an informal greeting by people who have not seen each other for an extended period. Its origins in American English appear to be an imitation of broken or pidgin English, and despite its ungrammaticality, it is widely accepted as a fixed expression.

Is it correct to say Long time no talk?

‘Correct’ maybe not, but ‘okay,’ yes. It is acceptable in casual conversation with a friend or two. Certainly not something you’d say to your boss or supervisor. The phrase is often used in the same vein as “Long time, no see.” Very informal usage, colloquial idiom.

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How do you ask someone for a long time no see?

To really emphasize how long it’s been since you last saw your friend, you can use one of these common expressions:

  1. It’s been forever!
  2. I haven’t seen you in ages!
  3. I haven’t see you for so long!
  4. How long has it been since I last saw you?
  5. When was the last time we saw each other?

What do you say instead of a long time?

What is another word for after a long time?

eventually one day
someday in the long run
in time some day
subsequently after a bit
after some time at length

Can I say Long time, no see in an email?

“Long time, no see” is appropriate in a casual setting, either in conversation or in emails. (Of course, you’re not actually seeing the person…) It is, of course, grammatically incorrect.

What is wrong with the phrase long time no see?

“Long time no see” or “Long time, no see” is an English expression used as a greeting by people who have not seen each other for a while. The phrase is a multiword expression that cannot be explained by the usual rules of English grammar due to the irregular syntax.

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Can you say Long time no see in an email?

What does the phrase LONG TIME NO SEE mean?

Definition of long time no see informal. —used as a greeting for someone one has not seen for a long time Well hello there!