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How do you say Joseph in different languages?

How do you say Joseph in different languages?

Interlingua: Joseph. Italian: Giuseppe, Giù, Beppe, Peppe, Peppino, Pepino, Pino, Bepi, Beppo, Pippo, Puccio, Gioseffo, Gio or Giò Irish: Seosamh, Iósaf. Japanese: ヨセフ (Yosefu), ジョセフ (Jyosefu)

How to spell Yousef?

Joseph/Yousef/Yusuf are all various spellings of the Hebrew name Yosef יוסף which means “he will add”, which comes from the Hebrew root יָסַף (yasaf) meaning “to add”. How you spell it in Latin letters does not affect the meaning. Here is the name in various languages: Yousef, Youssef, Yusef, Yusuf/يوسف (Arabic)

What nationality was Joseph in the Bible?

The story begins in Canaan – modern day Palestine, Syria and Israel – around 1600 to 1700 BC. Joseph was 11th of 12 sons of a wealthy nomad Jacob and his second wife Rachel. His story is told in the book of Genesis 37-50. Joseph was very much loved by Jacob because he had been born to him in his old age.

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What does Joseph mean in English?

He will add
Joseph is derived from the Latin form of Greek Ioseph, from the Hebrew name Yosef meaning “He will add”, from the root Yasaf. In the Old Testament Bible, Joseph was the 11th son of Jacob, the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel. Joseph was an esteemed advisor to the pharaoh from 1894-1878 BCE.

What does Yusuf mean in Islam?

God increases
Yusuf (Arabic: يوسف‎ Yúsuf and Yúsef) is a male Arabic, Urdu, Aramaic, Turkish and Persian name, meaning “God increases” (in piety, power and influence) in Hebrew. It is the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew name Yosef and the English name Joseph.

Who is Yusuf in the Bible?

Yúsuf is one of the sons of Ya’qúb (known as Jacob in the English translation) who has the talent of interpreting dreams. One day Yúsuf has a dream and he narrates his dream to his father, who immediately knows that Yúsuf will be a prophet. His father tells him not to tell his brothers to avoid any harm.

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Who is Joseph in Arabic?

Yusuf is believed to have been the eleventh son of Yaqub (Arabic: يعقوب‎, Yaqub), and, according to many scholars, his favorite. According to Ibn Kathir, “Jacob had twelve sons who were the eponymous ancestors of the tribes of the Israelites. The noblest, the most exalted, the greatest of them was Joseph.”

What is the English meaning of Yusuf?

Other names. Cognate(s) Joseph. Yusuf (Arabic: يوسف‎ Yūsuf and Yūsef) is a male Arabic, Urdu, Aramaic, Turkish and Persian name, meaning “God increases” (in piety, power and influence) in Hebrew. It is the Arabic equivalent of the Hebrew name Yosef and the English name Joseph.

Is Yusuf the same as Joseph?

It is said to be the most detailed narrative in the Qur’an and bears more details than the Biblical counterpart. Yusuf is believed to have been the eleventh son of Yaqub (Arabic: يعقوب‎, Yaqub), and, according to many scholars, his favorite….Joseph in Islam.

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Prophet Yusuf يوسف Joseph
Title Prophet
Parents Yaqub (father) Rahil (mother)
