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How do you say SCH and CH in German?

How do you say SCH and CH in German?

The sequence “sch” is part of the same syllable (as it is in Mensch—”human being”). In this case, “sch” is a trigraph (a triplet of letters representing a single sound) and pronounced exactly like English “sh”. The “s” ends one syllable and the “ch” starts the next.

What sound does Ch make in German?

In German, ch normally represents two allophones: the voiceless velar fricative [x] (or [χ]) following a, o or u (called Ach-Laut), and the voiceless palatal fricative [ç] following any other vowel or a consonant (called Ich-Laut). A similar allophonic variation is thought to have existed in Old English.

What is the difference between ß and s in German?

The ß, on the other hand, is simply like an over- pronounced s. It is rightly called in German ein scharfes s (a sharp s). In fact, when people don’t have access to the German keyboard, they often will substitute a double s for the ß.

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Why are there so many Germanic words similar to English?

This is because German and English share the same Germanic root. Consequently, there are many thousands of words which are closely related known as “cognates.” For example, the English chin is Kinn in German. Water becomes Wasser and father turns into Vater. Not so hard after all, is it?

Is there a German word with a hard c sound?

You will find the German version of the hard “c” sound in the letter K. Consequently, you will often see words that start with a hard c sound in English spelled with a K in German: Kanada, der Kaffee, die Konstruktion, der Konjunktiv, die Kamera, das Kalzium.

What is the school system like in Germany for kids?

The German School System. Kindergarten – For ages 3-6; half-day or full-day kindergarten. Hort or Schulhort – Provides after-school daycare for elementary school pupils. Finding a place for your preschooler can be difficult, since there are also many other parents trying to find a good Kita or kindergarten.