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How do you say two things go together?

How do you say two things go together?

To combine things, or to combine well – thesaurus

  1. combine. verb. if two or more organizations or groups combine, or if someone combines them, they join together.
  2. complement. verb.
  3. harmonize. verb.
  4. match up. phrasal verb.
  5. go with. phrasal verb.
  6. consolidate. verb.
  7. piece together. phrasal verb.
  8. blend. verb.

Will go together meaning?

Definition of go together 1 : to be suited to or appropriate for each other This tie and this shirt go together well. 2 somewhat old-fashioned : to have a continuing romantic relationship They’ve been going together for several years.

What is it called when you put ideas together?

Conflate is a more formal way to say “mix together,” and it’s typically used for texts or ideas. The verb conflate comes to us from the Latin word conflare, which literally means “to blow together.” So think of using this word when you want to talk about two things getting thrown together and combined.

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What’s a synonym for go together?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for go-together, like: fit, go with, be suitable, match, go-steady, escort, agree and date.

What does it mean when someone is dissonant?

dissonant • \DISS-uh-nunt\ • adjective. 1 : marked by lack of agreement : discordant 2 : incongruous 3 : harmonically unresolved.

What is the synonym of combined?

Some common synonyms of combine are associate, connect, join, link, relate, and unite. While all these words mean “to bring or come together into some manner of union,” combine implies some merging or mingling with corresponding loss of identity of each unit.

What is another word for working together?

What is another word for working together?

collaboration cooperation
association coalition
concert confederation
interaction synergism
synergy collusion