Popular lifehacks

How do you start a fictional town?

How do you start a fictional town?

Here are a few ways you can try:

  1. Pick up books you’ve never heard of and skim through until you find words you’ve never heard of.
  2. Combine author’s last names.
  3. Read wikipedia about the history of a nearby place and switch up the letters a bit (Spoonerisms make for great fun).
  4. Pretend to invent a language.

How do you make a town map?

How to Design a Town Map

  1. Draw the terrain and the major locations. Draw the terrain and major locations. Towns adapt to their surroundings.
  2. Place the major roads. Add the main roads. Roads get people where they need to go.
  3. Add the minor roads. Draw in the minor roads.
  4. Draw in the houses. Sketch in the individual houses.

What should a fictional town include?

Determine what makes the fictional city unique. Consider the unique or interesting elements of the city that makes it worth reading about. This could be haunted areas of the city or famous ghost stories that haunt the city. Or, this could be legends about the city that are shared and passed around by characters.

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How do you make a fantasy village map?

  1. Step one: rough outline. Start by drawing the rough outlines of your village with a mechanical pencil.
  2. Step two: ink outline. I use a 0.1 Micron marker to re-draw the outlines.
  3. Step three: add weight.
  4. Step four: add roof details.
  5. Step five: more details.
  6. Step six: texture and rubble.
  7. Step seven: shadows.
  8. Step eight: clean up.

Can you create your own town?

To incorporate a town, you’ll need a lawyer who can handle the paperwork. Once you’ve decided on where to put your town, the first step toward You-ville is to get a petition signed by some of the people who live there. In some places, though, a town charter must be granted by vote of the state legislature.