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How do you study an Organic Chemistry reaction?

How do you study an Organic Chemistry reaction?

Tips on how to memorize organic chemistry reactions

  1. Learn some basic structures. Organic chemistry involves many, many structures, each quite different from the other.
  2. Focus on the basics.
  3. Try and understand then learn.
  4. Use mind maps.

Is Organic Chemistry a lot of memorization?

An introductory, undergrad course in Organic Chemistry does require a lot of memorization, but it is not all memorization. Nomenclature and learning about the different kind of reactions (there are a lot of them!)

What is organic chemistry in simple words?

Organic chemistry is the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions, and preparation of carbon-containing compounds. Originally limited to the study of compounds produced by living organisms, organic chemistry has been broadened to include human-made substances (e.g., plastics).

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Why is organic chemistry hard?

And why is it so difficult? Basically, orgo examines how molecules containing carbon interact, but it doesn’t require equations or math, as in physics. Instead, you learn how electrons flow around and between molecules, and you draw little curved arrows showing where they go.

How to memorize organic chemistry reactions?

The reactions in organic chemistry are usually interconnected. A mind map or a spider web is a great way of organizing and visualizing them. This way you can easily remember the reactions. Hope that answers your question on how to memorize organic chemistry reactions.

What is the best way to study organic conversions?

Organic conversions are easy if you are well aware about organic compounds and their reactions. It is quite a challenge to remember all the reactions of all chapters. So, summarizing important reactions of different chapters in a flow chart is very effective. It captures the most essential reactions of the chapters in one diagram.

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How do you write out a reaction in chemistry?

Write out the reaction: reactants + reagents = products. I then wrote next to the reaction any exceptions and tips, like if the main product was markovnikov, cis, trans, or if it didn’t work under certain conditions. Then under the reaction, I wrote the mechanism.

Is there any way to score good marks in organic chemistry?

There is still a way to score good marks in organic . First step to get a decent score now is to learn important name reactions (for class 12th syllabus there will be hardly 30 imp. Name reactions ) Then after learning them thoroughly download conversion maps from internet .