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How do you trigger the Shadow Temple?

How do you trigger the Shadow Temple?

To get to the Shadow Temple, you’ll need the Nocturne of Shadow and the Lens of Truth. Become an adult again if you aren’t already and when you’re ready, teleport to the Graveyard using the Nocturne of Shadow, then go on down. Here, you have to stand on the circle platform and use Din’s Fire to light all the torches.

How do you play Nocturne of Shadows?

Link can play the “Nocturne of Shadow” on the Ocarina of Time by playing Left-C, Right-C, Right-C, A, Left-C, Right-C, Down-C.

How do you get the shadow medallion in Ocarina of Time?

The Shadow Medallion is the fifth of the six Medallions Link receives in Ocarina of Time. He gets this Medallion after completing the Shadow Temple.

Do you need lens of truth for Shadow Temple?

All the Lens of Truth does is show the illusions that are in the game. Even without the Lens the hidden doors and paths and all that stuff is still there, you just don’t see it.

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Can you get into Shadow Temple without Din’s Fire?

To enter Shadow Temple without Din’s Fire, you will need to get on the high green ledge by doing Shadow early. Follow the ledge to directly above the stairs leading down to the area with the torches. If you look down you’ll see the torches nor the door is loaded.

What does Requiem of Spirit do?

The “Requiem of Spirit” is one of the Warping songs Link learns as an adult in Ocarina of Time. It allows Link to warp to the Desert Colossus at any age, which is necessary in order to access the Spirit Temple as a child.

How do you get Din’s Fire in Ocarina of Time?

Din’s Fire is obtained from the Great Fairy of Magic near Hyrule Castle in Ocarina of Time. When used, Link summons a dome of Fire around his body that expands outward, affecting anything in its range. When used near Torches, it lights them. Din’s Fire drains 6 Magic Points with each use.

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How do you get lens of truth?

Attack Dead Hand when it gets close and lowers its head. After 10 or so hits the Dead Hand will be defeated and you will earn your reward: The Lens of Truth.

Can you beat oot without lens of truth?

You can beat the game without getting the lens of truth, since its only function is to allow you to see invisible objects. Everything is still there, it’s just not visible to the naked eye. If you can guess or know where an invisible object is, you don’t need to use the lens.