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How do you use a wishing well?

How do you use a wishing well?

After uttering the wish, one would generally drop coins in the well. That wish would then be granted by the guardian or dweller, based upon how the coin would land at the bottom of the well. If the coin landed heads up, the guardian of the well would grant the wish, but the wish of a tails up coin would be ignored.

Are Wishing Well real?

Wishing wells have survived into the current era, making appearances in parks, malls, and backyards. Though many of the traditions and folklore have not survived along with them, the idea of paying for a wish has. In many public wishing wells, people will throw coins in as they pass.

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What happens if you take money from a wishing well?

The Atlantic discovered that many fountain coins (at least the ones that aren’t in tourist attractions) get plucked away by those in need. The money that does remain, if it’s a substantial amount, tends to be used for fountain upkeep or charitable donations.

What do people wish for in wishing wells?

Amongst the German tribes of Europe, a belief existed around the wishing wells. People believed that spirits had created the water, and hence the water source was the abode of the deities. In their saddest moments, people “wished” in the hope that the spirits might pity them and fulfill their longings.

Is it illegal to steal money from a wishing well?

Yes it is, the fountain is the property of the fountain owner. Most of the money usually goes to the upkeep of the fountain or charity. The money in a fountain is considered a donation and if you take any, you are stealing from the owner.

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How do you ask for a wishing well?

we ask that you contribute to our wishing well. We truly appreciate your presence at our wedding and do not expect gifts. The most important gift to us is to have you share our special day. wishing well would be warmly received.

Is putting soap in a fountain illegal?

Yes, while it may seem to be a prank and a simple nuisance, it’s criminal mischief and is a misdemeanor. If it damages the fountain and the costs to repair the damage are significant enough, it would be a felony.

How much do wishing wells make?

Fountains Make Bank And Rome’s Trevi Fountain regularly makes $3,200… a day. That’s an annual salary well over $1 million. Even smaller fountains — and those with explicit instructions not to throw money at them, please — pull in thousands of dollars every year.

How do you tell guests you have a wishing well?


  1. Traditional – The greatest gift to us both is that you can be present at our wedding.
  2. Celebration – We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
  3. Fun – If you were thinking of giving a gift to help us on our way, a donation towards our wishing well would really make our day.