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How do you use before long in a sentence?

How do you use before long in a sentence?

Destiny would be two years old before long . But we’ll know before long . We’re going to need another doctor at the clinic before long . She watched him climb stiffly into his wagon and knew a moment of sadness when she remembered that before long she would be leaving and she would never see him again.

What does the phrase long for mean?

To have a desire for; to yearn for; to crave for. verb.

What does it mean when someone is before their time?

If someone is ahead of their time or before their time, they have new ideas a long time before other people start to think in the same way. My mother was ahead of her time.

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How do you use long before?

1 They’ve seen that long before. 2 Shoppers began arriving long before the 10am opening time. 3 The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history . 4 He retired long before the war.

What is another word for before long?

What is another word for before long?

shortly soon
sharpish betimes
instantly speedily
promptly just now
instantaneously any time now

How do you spell too long?

It’s spelled ‘too long’ if you’re trying to use ‘long’ as an adjective (a descriptive word). The use of the word ‘too’ indicates too much of something. It would be spelled ‘to long’ if you’re using the word ‘long’ as in the verb ‘to long for’. Both phrases can be used correctly.

What is the meaning of the phrase ahead of her time?

COMMON If someone or something is ahead of their time, they have or show ideas that are so modern that most people have not accepted them yet. My mother was ahead of her time. Note: You can also say that someone or something is before their time.

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What does a man before his time mean?

or before one’s time. phrase. If someone is ahead of their time or before their time, they have new ideas a long time before other people start to think in the same way.