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How do you use honor in a sentence?

How do you use honor in a sentence?

Honor sentence example

  1. When the rich believe the poor will not honor property rights.
  2. I have my honor to regain.
  3. I fought side by side with his older brother years ago at the end of the war; I know the type of honor that runs in his family.
  4. We’re the guests of honor tonight.
  5. I have honor , Claire.

How do you use it is an honor?

When you get special recognition or a special opportunity from people that you respect highly, it’s “an honor”. You can use this phrase in sentences like these: It’s an honor to meet you. It’s such an honor to be invited to speak to you all here today.

Can you say what an honor?

“What an honor” is still the grammatically correct way to write this phrase. The word “what” does not change the word’s sound following the article “an.” The sound of the word preceding the article is what dictates the use of “a” or “an.” Remember that grammarians refer to both “a” and “an” as articles in English.

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What an honor or what a honor?

The word hono(u)r starts with a consonant letter but with a vowel sound, as the h is mute. So you use an and not a. An honor/honor is correct grammatically because the h in honor is silent and when you pronounce it the O sound is predominant not the H.

What are examples of honor?

An example of honor is listening to and obeying someone’s wishes. An example of honor is accepting a check from someone. The definition of honor is high respect, great reputation or high rank received or enjoyed. An example of honor is an excellent student receiving praise for their accomplishments.

How do you write honor?

The simple choice is to use ‘In Memory Of’ only when someone has passed away and you want the commemoration to remind everyone who hears about it of their legacy. Use “In Honor Of’ whenever you want to focus on the fact that you give them credit and honor for this action, whether they’re alive or dead.

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Do the honor or honors?

Definition of do the honors : to do the actions performed by a host or hostess My mother cooks a big turkey for Thanksgiving every year, and when it comes to carving, my father does the honors at the table. The Ambassador did the honors by introducing the guest speaker.

What is a person’s honor?

Noun. honor, homage, reverence, deference mean respect and esteem shown to another. honor may apply to the recognition of one’s right to great respect or to any expression of such recognition.

How do the British spell honor?

But some might frown if you do it the other way around, because there is a slight difference between the two spellings that has nothing to do with the meaning of the word itself: Honor is the preferred spelling in American English and is pronounced \ˈä-nər\; Honour is the preferred spelling in British English and is …

What is your personal code of honor?

Even if there’s something else in your life—be it faith, law, or some other moral code—a personal code of honor is something you yourself design and take up for the sake of improving yourself, your life, and the lives of those around you.

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What is an honorable person?

An honorable person is someone who believes in truth and doing the right thing — and tries to live up to those high principles. When you lose a game, it’s honorable to shake hands. This word is also used for people who are deserving of being honored, like when judges are called “The honorable Judge So-and-so.”