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How do you use molto in Italian?

How do you use molto in Italian?

M: Molto can mean “very”, as in “molto bello” (very beautiful). But it can also mean “a lot” as in “molto cibo” (lots of food). K: cibo is a masculine singular, so we say “molto”. K: Banane is a feminine plural, so we way “molte”.

What is the difference between molto and Tanto in Italian?

Tanto as an adverb Tanto (like molto) is also used as an adverb. In this case it means ‘very’, ‘very much’, or ‘a lot’. When used as an adverb, the ending stays in the masculine singular form.

How do you use Poco and molto in Italian?

Poco can be an adjective (little/(a) few, not much/not many) or an adverb (not very, not much, a little)….

  1. Voi siete studenti molto intelligenti (You are very intelligent students)
  2. La giraffa è molto alta (‘The giraffe is very tall)
  3. Il mio computer è molto lento (My computer is very slow)
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What is going troppo?

extremely angry or excited (esp in the phrase go troppo over) Collins English Dictionary.

Where does troppo come from?

The phrase to go troppo was first used by Australian troops in the Pacific during the Second World War, and arose from the idea that long exposure to tropical conditions affected your sanity.

Does Molto agree in Italian?

In layman’s terms, molto agrees when it comes before a noun. It doesn’t agree before an adjective or adverb or after a verb. Before a noun it means many, much or a lot of, and is an adjective, so it agrees. Leggo molti libri.

Does Molto change in Italian?

If we are using the word ‘molto’ as an adverb then it doesn’t change. Here are some examples: La ragazza e` molto bella.

How do you conjugate molto in Italian?

How to use Molto Posted by Geoff on Apr 2, 2014 in Grammar

  1. molto = very: questa torta è molto buona (this cake is very good)
  2. molto = much: sì, è buona, ma non devo mangiare molto (yes, it’s good, but I mustn’t eat much)
  3. molto = a lot: però, mi piace molto (however, I like it a lot)
  4. è avanzata molta pasta? (
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Is going troppo real?

Dr Morris doesn’t believe going troppo is an actual disorder, but rather a collection of behaviours and emotions influenced by heat. In fact, research has found these seasonal symptoms are similar to those shown in people experiencing northern winters with sunless days.

Can Molto be feminine?

One of the first words that will enter your survival vocabulary in Italy is molto (plural: molti | feminine: molta | plural feminine: molte).

Is it Molto Bella or Molta Bella?

English translation: molto bella

Italian term or phrase: molta bella
English translation: molto bella