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How do you wish someone a happy name day in Greek?

How do you wish someone a happy name day in Greek?

Greek: Χρόνια πολλά! Romanization: Hrónia polá! Meaning: “Happy birthday!” / “Happy Name Day!” (Literally: [I wish you] many years [to live]!) Greek: Και στα εκατό!

What do you say on name day?

Blessings, love and happiness! just like you! on this blessed day. Happy name day!

What is a Greek name day?

Name days are the days where a saint, martyr, or otherwise holy person is commemorated by the Greek Orthodox Church. Otherwise known abroad as “feast days”, these anniversaries usually are of the saint’s or martyr’s death due to refusing to denounce their faith at the hands of prosecutors of Christendom in the past.

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How do you say happy Greek Independence Day in Greek?

Happy Greek Independence Day, Everyone! Ευτιχισμενη Εικοσιπεντε Μαρτιου!

How do you say Merry Christmas in Greek?

How to say Merry Christmas in Greek. If you want to wish “Merry Christmas” to someone in Greece, then you should say: Kala Hristouyienna. If you want to wish “Happy New Year ” to someone in Greece, then you should say: Kali Hronia. For “Happy New Year Day” in Greek you should say “Kali Protohronia”.

What do you say in Greek Name Days?

“Χρόνια πολλά!” [hronia polla] “Many years”, is the most common wish that fits almost all joyful events. You can use this wish for birthdays, name days, New Year, Christmas, etc..

How do I find my Greek name day?

If you are named after one, or if your name has the same meaning or derives from the name of one, their feast day is your name day. So if your name is John, for example, your official name day is January 7, the feast day of Aghios Ioannis (Saint John).

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How do you say happy name day in Greek?

Happy Name Day! Greek translation: χρόνια πολλά για τη γιορτή σου

How do you wish someone a Happy New Year in Greek?

You can use this wish on national holidays like New Year’s, Easter, and August 15th, as well as on name days and birthdays. Those two words actually mean “many years”.So there you are! it is easy; you just say or write… xronia polla – or in Greek- Χρόνια Πολλά.

How do Greeks celebrate their name days?

On name days people gather, invite friends and family, give presents. In addition, they call each other to extend their best wishes …. Due to the fact that many Greeks have the same names such as Giorgos, Konstantinos, Giannis, Dimitris, Maria, Eleni,… many people have their name day on the same day, which almost makes it a ‘national celebration’.

How do our students practice their birthday wishes in Greece?

Our students practice those wishes very regularly, not only during a course in Greece, but also after their course. Since the Omilo-team and students are like a big family, we use wishes such as birthdays, name days, weddings, very often in emails, cards, SMS or on social media.