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How do you write a feedback about a parent-teacher meeting?

How do you write a feedback about a parent-teacher meeting?

Thank you so much ma’am for all the efforts u r putting for our kid’s development. Your patience and commitment towards our child’s improvement is really commendable. The PTM meeting was conducive and fruitful. It was a nice forum to reflect upon the child’s progress and areas of development if any.

What should you not do at a parent-teacher conference?


  • Sit behind your desk.
  • Tell parents what they should or shouldn’t do.
  • Do all of the talking.
  • Speak using educational jargon.
  • Provide too many suggestions for student improvement.
  • Forget to invite all parents/guardians to the conference.
  • Forget the data!
  • Make assumptions.
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How can parents survive parent-teacher conferences?

Avoid angry or apologetic reactions. Instead, ask for examples. Ask what is being done about the problem and what strategies seem to help at school. Develop an action plan that may include steps that parents can take at home and steps the teacher will take at school.

How can teachers improve parent meetings?

Before the Conference

  1. Get informed.
  2. Prepare your materials.
  3. Send informative invitations.
  4. Create a welcoming environment.
  5. Open with positives.
  6. Discuss progress and growth.
  7. Avoid teacher-talk.
  8. Ask questions and listen.

How do I give negative feedback to my parents?

Here are a few strategies:

  1. Use a Feedback Sandwich. If you are apprehensive of parents’ response, you may try dressing up the feedback more optimistically.
  2. Avoid Blame-Game.
  3. Try to Keep Feedback a Routine.
  4. Build Rapport.
  5. Remain Focused on Positive Outcomes.

What do you say in online PTM?

Just be prepared to discuss the following with the teacher:

  • An overview of your child’s work and his coping skills.
  • Your child’s conduct in class and with their social skills with peers.
  • Areas of improvement for your child and your involvement in making those changes.
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How do you talk to a teacher in PTM?

Just be prepared to discuss the following with the teacher: An overview of your child’s work and his coping skills….

  1. Schedule an Early Appointment.
  2. Speak to Your Child About School.
  3. Assess Your Child’s Report Cards.
  4. Review Assignments and Tests.
  5. Note Down the Questions to Discuss.

Are parent teacher conferences bad?

Don’t get me wrong, Parent-Teacher Conferences aren’t bad. They just aren’t as necessary as they were in elementary or middle school. There’s nothing wrong with still wanting to be involved with your child and know how their doing in school, just make an appointment.

What is negative feedback in education?

Teachers typically use negative feedback to change a student’s behavior, whether that be to stop a disruptive behavior or to make them try harder at a task (Conroy et al., 2014).

Popular lifehacks

How do you write a feedback about a parent teacher meeting?

How do you write a feedback about a parent teacher meeting?

Thank you so much ma’am for all the efforts u r putting for our kid’s development. Your patience and commitment towards our child’s improvement is really commendable. The PTM meeting was conducive and fruitful. It was a nice forum to reflect upon the child’s progress and areas of development if any.

What are essentials of good parent teacher meeting?

Here are eight tips to help you conduct masterful, action-oriented parent-teacher meetings.

  • Be Proactive.
  • Be Welcoming.
  • Explain Objectives and Expectations.
  • Be Prepared.
  • Create an Action Plan.
  • Use the Good-Bad-Good Sandwich.
  • Don’t Tolerate Abuse.
  • Keep Lines of Communication Open.

What do you discuss in a parent meeting?

In this article you will find:

  • Answers to your questions about parent-teacher conferences.
  • Tips about how you can prepare for the conference.
  • Suggested questions and topics to discuss.
  • Tips about how to make the most of the conference.
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How do I give feedback to my parents?

Don’t make it personal—Make sure your feedback is about the behavior and the consequences, not the person. It’s more effective when you don’t point fingers, but focus on the outcome instead. Make feedback a two-way street—Once you’ve given feedback, ask for some in return.

How do you talk to your parents in a parent teacher conference?

Before the Conference

  1. Get informed.
  2. Prepare your materials.
  3. Send informative invitations.
  4. Create a welcoming environment.
  5. Open with positives.
  6. Discuss progress and growth.
  7. Avoid teacher-talk.
  8. Ask questions and listen.

How will you make parent teacher conference effective and productive?

Parents’ Guide to Parent-Teacher Conferences

  1. Plan ahead. Determine what you need to know.
  2. Make a list of questions. Review them and prioritize them.
  3. Identify goals. Find out what the teacher expects from your child and why.
  4. Listen to the teacher.
  5. Seek at-home strategies.
  6. Plan regular updates.
  7. Get answers.

How do teachers guide to parent teacher conferences?