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How does Alfred feel about Bruce being Batman?

How does Alfred feel about Bruce being Batman?

In relatively recent comics canon, Alfred expresses his personal devastation as a father losing his son upon learning of Bruce’s death. He loves Bruce. It’s really just that simple. For all his deadpanned aloofness he cares deeply for Bruce and by extension his goals.

Why does Alfred help Batman?

In this version, Alfred is an actor on the English stage who agrees to become the Waynes’ butler to honor his father’s dying wish that he continue the “family business” of serving the Waynes, his father having been butler for Bruce’s grandparents.

Does Alfred support Batman?

Alfred Pennyworth, after a varied career, was employed as the Wayne family valet when Bruce Wayne’s parents were killed. Alfred raised the young orphan and reluctantly aided him in his quest to become Batman.

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Does Alfred ever become a villain?

Despite his undying loyalty to the Wayne family, this compassionate caretaker actually once turned his back on Bruce and Gotham as he served a different master. Believe it or not, Detective Comics #356 had Alfred in the role of the supervillain.

Does Alfred know Bruce is Batman?

Lucius Fox’s knowledge of Batman’s identity in the Dark Knight films is handled with more subtlety. Of course, Alfred Pennyworth knows Bruce Wayne is Batman, though referring to Wayne and Pennyworth as employer and employee hardly scratches the surface of their relationship.

Did Alfred ever betray Batman?

No and he never will. Even though Batman suspects everyone, after living with him for so long he’s realised that Alfred doesn’t have a fault in his soul. If he wanted to betray him he wouldn’t have taken him in.

Who has Alfred Pennyworth beaten?

DC: 10 Most Savage Things That Alfred Pennyworth Has Done In Batman History

  1. 1 He became the Joker.
  2. 2 He beat the living daylights out of Superman.
  3. 3 He shot the Predator point blank.
  4. 4 He was Batman…for a night.
  5. 5 He punched Deathstroke in the face.
  6. 6 He killed a vampire and teamed up with Bane.
  7. 7 He slapped Bruce Wayne.
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Was Alfred in the SAS?

Alfred Pennyworth is a former British SAS soldier and the trusted security to Thomas Wayne. He is the proud owner of security firm Pennyworth Security and a close friend of Bazza and Dave Boy.

What does Alfred Pennyworth do for Bruce Wayne?

Alfred Pennyworth has been Bruce Wayne’s faithful butler all of Bruce’s life. Sure, Alfred was hesitant to help Bruce when he first took up the cowl and became Batman, but now whenever Batman’s out in the field, Alfred is there in the Batcave providing support. RELATED: The 10 Most Savage Things That The Batman Who Laughs Has Done

Did Alfred go a bit too far with his bet?

Alfred is nothing if not theatrical, he is a retired actor after all, but he may have gone a bit overboard with this one. It’s early in Batman’s career, and he’s so confident in his abilities that he bets Alfred one dollar that he’s basically invincible. Alfred takes the bet and comes up with an idea that can only be described as a bit much.

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What happened to Alfred in Batman Eternal?

In the pages of Batman Eternal, we find Alfred making his way through Arkham Asylum, or what’s left of it, surrounded by an army of undead vampires. To escape this sticky situation he finds himself in, he, out of necessity, teams up with one of Batman’s most imposing rogues, Bane.

What is the Alfred Protocol in Batman comics?

So with this Alfred Protocol, Batman creates an artificial intelligence version of Alfred that goes on to kill every member of the Batman rogues gallery. Bruce is so attached to Alfred though, that he can’t bring himself to shut it down, and instead insists everyone he can fix it.