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How does Beta Ray Bill get his hammer?

How does Beta Ray Bill get his hammer?

After Bill reconsiders his claim to the hammer, Odin orders the making of a new hammer for Bill: Stormbreaker, equal in power to Mjolnir and created from the same metal and by the same dwarfs led by Eitri.

Who is stronger Thor or Beta Ray Bill?

8 Durability Though the reason for their toughness does vary. For Beta Ray Bill, he was designed that way and has multiple factors for being that way. Meanwhile, Thor has the power of an Asgardian and Mjolnir to back him up. Believe it or not, but Beta Ray Bill is just a tiny bit more durable than Thor.

How does Jane get the hammer?

The Mighty Thor (And Her Hammer) In the Marvel comics, Jane Foster is given Thor’s powers during her battle with breast cancer when she attempts to lift Mjolnir, which results in her becoming The Mighty Thor.

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Why is beta ray worthy?

Thor was deemed a threat by Skuttlebutt, so Beta fought him. During the battle Thor was separated from his hammer, Mjolnir, and reverted to Donald Blake. Curious, Bill picked up Mjolnir and the hammer deemed him worthy, granting him the power of Thor.

Why does Thor become unworthy?

When facing Thor, Fury whispered something into the God of Thunder’s ear that not only shocked him but left him unworthy to lift his hammer. This event would serve as the catalyst for Jane Foster to claim the hammer, becoming the Mighty Thor, and for plenty of villains to rise in the aftermath.

Who is the Thor guy in Planet Hulk?

Beta Ray Bill (Planet Hulk)

Beta Ray Bill
Real Name Beta Ray Bill
Alternate Identity Battlin’ Beta Ray Bill
Powers and Abilities Stormbreaker Incredible Strength and Durability Flight Control of Electricity Interplanetary Travel
Allies Thor Hulk Warbound
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How did Thanos lift Stormbreaker?

He’s able to hold Stormbreaker because it does not have the “He who is worthy” enchantment on it like Mjolnir did. If you recall Mjolnir did not have it either until Odin places the enchantment on it when he banished Thor at the beginning of his film. Any one strong enough could lift Stormbreaker.