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How does glucose-6-phosphate inhibit hexokinase?

How does glucose-6-phosphate inhibit hexokinase?

Glucose Metabolism and Hormonal Regulation☆ Importantly, glucose 6-phosphate is an inhibitor of hexokinase, so if the other pathways are slow and if phosphofructokinase is inhibited, then glucose 6-phosphate will increase and inhibit hexokinase.

What role does glucose-6-phosphate play in the regulation of hexokinase?

Glucose-6-phosphate inhibits hexokinase and, if the cell is not using up the G6P that it is making, then it should stop making it, thus making the process a product inhibition.

Why does fructose 6 phosphate inhibit glucokinase?

In the presence of fructose 6-phosphate, the regulatory protein binds to, and inhibits, liver glucokinase. Both phosphate esters act by binding to the regulatory protein, and by presumably causing changes in its conformation. The regulatory protein behaves as a fully competitive inhibitor.

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Does glucose-6-phosphate convert hexokinase?

Hexokinase is the first enzyme in the glycolytic pathway, and it converts glucose into glucose-6-phosphate. It uses ATP to phosphorylate the 6-hydroxyl group of glucose, and it is inhibited by its product, glucose-6-phosphate.

Does glucose-6-phosphate inhibit glycolysis?

Glucose-6-phosphatase overexpression lowers glucose 6-phosphate and inhibits glycogen synthesis and glycolysis in hepatocytes without affecting glucokinase translocation. Evidence against feedback inhibition of glucokinase. J Biol Chem.

Is glucose-6-phosphate an inhibitor?

The inhibition of PPP key enzymes, including glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), strongly affects cancer cell proliferation in vitro, as well as in vivo6, 7.

Does glucose 6-phosphate inhibit glycolysis?

Is glucose 6-phosphate an inhibitor?

Does glucose 6 phosphate inhibit glycolysis?

What inhibits hexokinase?

The non-metabolizable glucose analog D-Mannoheptulose (MH) inhibits hexokinase, the first enzyme in glycolysis, with anticancer effect [15, 16], which lead to block cellular energy production [17].