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How does gravity affect water droplets?

How does gravity affect water droplets?

… Regarding the effect of droplet size, it is well accepted that by increasing droplet size, the weight of droplet size increases and consequently due to gravity force contact angle decreases.

Why do water droplets not fall?

Under the action of gravity, water tends to fall, so the pressure at the top of the water droplet is lower than atmospheric pressure, so atmospheric pressure is the reason why the water does not fall.

Does surface tension depend on gravity?

Gravity works to pull the water down and out of the cup. Surface tension (the natural tendency of water molecules to stick together) works to hold the water together inside the cup. With a regular-‐size cup, the force of gravity is much stronger than surface tension, so the water falls out of the cup.

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What is surface tension in water?

Surface tension could be defined as the property of the surface of a liquid that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.

What constitutes a water droplet?

A drop or droplet is a small column of liquid, bounded completely or almost completely by free surfaces. A drop may form when liquid accumulates at the lower end of a tube or other surface boundary, producing a hanging drop called a pendant drop.

What holds a water droplet together?

This occurs because water is made up of many tiny molecules that are all attracted to one another. Those near the droplet’s surface, however, are pulled mostly inward by the water molecules below them. This creates “surface tension.” The surface of the water droplet is held together by the attraction between molecules.

How does the surface tension of water compare to other liquids?

Because of the relatively high attraction of water molecules to each other through a web of hydrogen bonds, water has a higher surface tension (72.8 millinewtons (mN) per meter at 20 °C) than most other liquids.

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Why is surface tension important in water?

surface tension of water helps creatures(mostly of insecta class such as water striders) to walk on water. . it also helps water to move up the xylem tissue of higher plants without breaking up.

What is surface tension explain with example?

surface tension, property of a liquid surface displayed by its acting as if it were a stretched elastic membrane. This phenomenon can be observed in the nearly spherical shape of small drops of liquids and of soap bubbles. Because of this property, certain insects can stand on the surface of water.

What is another word for water droplet?

What is another word for water droplets?

condensation moisture
liquid dew
precipitate water buildup
precipitation droplets
dewdrops evening dew