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How does mmWave 5G work?

How does mmWave 5G work?

Millimeter waves — often referred to as mmWaves or high-band 5G — are frequencies starting at 24 GHz and beyond. As radio waves increase in frequency, each wave narrows in length. Because of its high frequencies, mmWave has a limited range of only 300 to 500 feet and struggles to penetrate buildings.

What is bandwidth in 5G?

In comparison, 5G NR maximum carrier bandwidth is up to 100 MHz in frequency range 1 (FR1: 450 MHz to 6 GHz), or up to 400 MHz in frequency range 2 (FR2: 24.25 GHz to 52.6 GHz) that can be aggregated with a maximum bandwidth of 800 MHz.

What is the millimeter wave frequency band being considered for 5G?

These high-frequency bands are often referred to as “mmWave” due to the short wavelengths that can be measured in millimeters. Although the mmWave bands extend all the way up 300 GHz, it is the bands from 24 GHz up to 100 GHz that are expected to be used for 5G.

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How fast is mmWave?

Speed Differences mmWave spectrum can deliver theoretical speeds as high as 5Gb/s, which is much, much faster than the speeds achievable with LTE connectivity.

What is mmWave communication?

Millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems have attracted significant interest regarding meeting the capacity requirements of the future 5G network. The mmWave systems have frequency ranges in between 30 and 300 GHz where a total of around 250 GHz bandwidths are available.

What is 4G LTE bandwidth?

4G LTE vs. Verizon 4G LTE wireless broadband is 10 times faster than 3G — able to handle download speeds between 5 and 12 Mbps (Megabits per second) and upload speeds between 2 and 5 Mbps, with peak download speeds approaching 50 Mbps.

What is bandwidth part?

Bandwidth Parts (BWPs) is a 5G NR feature introduced in 3GPP Release 15 for dynamically adapting the carrier bandwidth and numerology in which a UE operates. BWP allows supporting multiple services per carrier, e.g. eMBB and mMTC.

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What is mmWave band?

Millimeter wave (MM wave), also known as millimeter band, is the band of spectrum with wavelengths between 10 millimeters (30 GHz) and 1 millimeter (300 GHz). It is also known as the extremely high frequency (EHF) band by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

Why are 5G mmWave signals?

MmWave is just part of the 5G picture, but carriers are particularly fond of talking about it because it allows for extremely high bandwidth and shows off the most impressive data speed figures. The objective with mmWave is to increase the data bandwidth available over smaller, densely populated areas.