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How does ping command work in Linux?

How does ping command work in Linux?

The ping command is one of the most used tools for troubleshooting, testing, and diagnosing network connectivity issues. Ping works by sending one or more ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) Echo Request packages to a specified destination IP on the network and waits for a reply.

Which service is responsible for ping?

ICMP protocol
The ping(1M) man page describes additional syntaxes and options. When you run ping , the ICMP protocol sends a datagram to the host you specify, asking for a response. ICMP is the protocol responsible for error handling on a TCP/IP network.

What is ICMP in Linux?

This kernel protocol module implements the Internet Control Message Protocol defined in RFC 792. It is used to signal error conditions and for diagnosis. ICMP packets are always processed by the kernel too, even when passed to a user socket. Linux limits the rate of ICMP error packets to each destination.

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Which port is pinged by Linux Utility ping?

So, technically, ping has no port. In short, ping doesn’t use TCP/IP (which has ports). Ping uses ICMP, which doesn’t have ports.

How do I ping a port on Linux?

The easiest way to ping a specific port is to use the telnet command followed by the IP address and the port that you want to ping. You can also specify a domain name instead of an IP address followed by the specific port to be pinged. The “telnet” command is valid for Windows and Unix operating systems.

Which port is pinged by Linux utility ping?

How do I ping a port in Linux?

Where is the kernel located in Linux?

The Linux kernel is stored in /boot. The files like “vmlinuz” are the kernel.

How do I ping a domain in Linux?

Open your Applications folder, and then open the Utilities folder. Select Terminal. If using Linux, Open a Telnet/Terminal window….Type ping or ping .

  1. A hostname is typically a website address.
  2. An IP address is a computer’s location on a network, either locally or on the internet.
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What port is ping in ICMP?

ICMP doesn’t use port numbers, so there is no port for ping. Some people may use the phrase “ping a port” informally meaning to open a TCP connection to that port and see if a response is received, but practically speaking, there is no ping port.

Which kernel process is responsible for responding to pings?

There is no userland process responsible for responding to pings. Ping is just a utility to send ICMP echo packets. These are received and process by the kernel’s networking stack The kernel itself (not any user process) is responsible to sending ICMP echo reply messages in response to ICMP echo request messages.

What are the ping command options in Linux?

Some of the most useful and used options of the ping command are the following: -c: With this option, you can specify how many packets to send. -s: This option allows you to change the default size of the packets.

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How does the Linux kernel handle ICMP messages?

The kernel network stack is handling ICMP messages, which are those sent by the ping command.

How to measure the latency using the ping command?

One of the possibilities offered by the ping command is that you can measure the connection response time. That is the latency. To measure the latency using the ping command, just use it and pay attention to the screen output: As you can see, four packets have been sent to the destination with a certain response time.