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How does planet rotation affect magnetic field?

How does planet rotation affect magnetic field?

If you have a rotating electric current, it will create a magnetic field. On Earth, flowing of liquid metal in the outer core of the planet generates electric currents. The rotation of Earth on its axis causes these electric currents to form a magnetic field which extends around the planet.

Does the Earth rotate around the magnetic pole?

Owing to motion of fluid in the Earth’s outer core, the actual magnetic poles are constantly moving. However, over thousands of years, their direction averages to the Earth’s rotation axis.

How does the Earth’s magnetic force cause its rotation?

“The magnetic field pushes eastwards on the inner core, causing it to rotate faster than the rest of Earth. However, it also pushes in the opposite direction on the liquid outer core, making it drift westward.”

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Why do some planets have magnetic fields?

Planetary magnetic fields are believed to be caused by strong convective currents in planetary cores. These currents require for their production complete melting over of a large region of the planet’s interior and rapid rotation of the planet.

What is the difference between the Earth’s magnetic pole and the Earth’s geographic pole How do navigators take advantage of this?

In regions near the magnetic poles, compasses are virtually useless. The degree of difference between the position of these two poles when seen at various locations is called magnetic declination. These angles allow navigators to determine their actual geographic position.

What causes a planet to have a magnetic field?

Planetary magnetic fields are produced by churning motions of liquids at a planet’s core that conduct electricity and have an electric charge. The magnetic fields act like giant bar magnets and can be offset from the rotation axis of a planet. The particles are deflected outwards by the magnetic field lines.