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How does RDF store its data and what form does it use to store its data?

How does RDF store its data and what form does it use to store its data?

The RDF triplestore is a type of graph database that stores data as a network of objects and uses inference to uncover new information out of existing relations. Being a graph database, triplestores store data as a network of objects with materialized links between them.

What is an RDF dataset?

An RDF dataset is defined as a collection of RDF graphs where all but one are named graphs associated with an IRI or blank node (the graph name), and the unnamed default graph [ RDF11-CONCEPTS ].

How is RDF data stored?

The persistent disk-based storage is a way to store RDF data permanently on file system by using the most influential indexing techniques, such as B + tree [48], AVL[54] and B − tree[31]. Among the existing solutions we can mention [1, 10, 12, 32, 36, 51].

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How does RDF store its data?

An object-oriented concept to store RDF That means, the RDF data is stored as a set of triples, mostly in tables of a relational database. In systems that support RQL queries, the graph has to be rebuilt from the triples before the semantic can be interpreted.

How the Data Web data is represented in RDF?

RDF data are directed, labeled graphs. A single edge in an RDF graph is a 3-tuple that is called either a statement or triple. Triples are organized into named graphs, forming 4-tuples, or quads. RDF resources (nodes), predicates (edges), and named graphs are labeled by URIs.

Which language is used for developing RDF?

SPARQL has emerged as the standard RDF query language, and in 2008 became a W3C recommendation.

What is RDF JSON?

Overview of RDF/JSON An RDF/JSON document serializes such a set of RDF triples as a series of nested data structures. A conforming RDF/JSON document consists of a single JSON object called the root object. The value of each predicate key is an array of JSON objects representing the object of each serialized triple.