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How does resolving power of a telescope get affected on I increasing the aperture of the objective lens II increasing the focal length of the objective lens?

How does resolving power of a telescope get affected on I increasing the aperture of the objective lens II increasing the focal length of the objective lens?

With the increase in wavelength of light, the resolving power increases whereas, with the increase in the diameter of the lens, the resolving power decreases.

Can you increase the aperture of a telescope?

Aperture is a property of the lens, not a property of the camera. While the telescope is technically a lens, it likely has a fixed aperture. You cannot change the aperture on a telescope, it is set by the manufacturer.

How does the magnifying power of a telescope change on increasing aperture of the objective lens?

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magnifying power gets affected as we go on increasing the aperture that is curvature of the mirror. it results in change in focal length. and hence the magnifying power will change.so the magnifying power will increase.

Why the aperture of the objective of a telescope should be large?

Objective of a telescope is a convex lens of large focal length, because it faces distant object and bright image of distant objects. The aperture of the objective is taken large so that it can gather sufficient amount of light from the distant objects.

What does the resolving power of a telescope depend on?

Resolution depends on the telescope aperture and the wavelength of light being used, being better for larger apertures and shorter wavelengths. Resolving power is specified as an angle — the minimum angular separation which the telescope can resolve.

How does the I magnifying power & II resolving power of a telescope change on increasing the diameter of its objective give reasons for your answer?

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(i) Magnifying power → Magnifying power does not depend on the diameter of Telescope Object. So There is no Effect .

How does aperture affect telescope?

For an optical instrument, the aperture is the diameter of the objective lens (refracting telescope) or the primary mirror (reflecting telescope). The larger the aperture, the more light the telescope can gather, and the fainter the limiting magnitude of the instrument.

How does aperture affect magnification?

Magnification. As the magnification of an image increases, the field of view and the brightness of the image decrease. A general rule about magnification is that the telescope’s maximum magnification is 40x to 60x (average = 50x) per inch of aperture.

How does the magnifying power of a telescope change?

In a telescope, f0 is fixed. When L is increased, ue increase. Hence magnifying power will decrease.

What does the aperture of a telescope do?

The aperture of a telescope is the diameter of the light collecting region, assuming that the light collecting region has a circular geometry . The larger the aperture, the more light the telescope can gather, and the fainter the limiting magnitude of the instrument.

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Why is an objective with larger aperture and larger focal length used for an astronomical telescope?

The objective of a telescope have large focal length and large aperture because large focal length enhances the magnifying power of the telescope and large aperture help in collecting large amount of light coming from the object so that a bright image is obtained.

How can resolving power of a telescope be increased?

As the wavelength of the incident light is fixed, we can increase the resolving power by increasing the diameter of the objective lens. Hence, in order to increase the resolving power, the diameter of the objective lens can be increased.