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How does SAX parser work example?

How does SAX parser work example?

SAXParser provides method to parse XML document using event handlers. This class implements XMLReader interface and provides overloaded versions of parse() methods to read XML document from File, InputStream, SAX InputSource and String URI. We need to create our own handler class to parse the XML document.

What is DOM and SAX explain?

DOM stands for Document Object Model while SAX stands for Simple API for XML parsing. DOM parser load full XML file in-memory and creates a tree representation of XML document, while SAX is an event based XML parser and doesn’t load whole XML document into memory.

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What is meant by XML parser?

Definition. XML parsing is the process of reading an XML document and providing an interface to the user application for accessing the document. An XML parser is a software apparatus that accomplishes such tasks.

How do you use a SAX parser?

Java SAX Parser – Read XML Example

  1. Prepare xml file to be parsed. This xml file contains xml attributes also along with xml elements.
  2. Create model class. package com.howtodoinjava.xml.sax;
  3. Build the handler by extending DefaultParser. Below the code for parse handler.
  4. SAX parser to read XML file.

What is an XML parser What are the two types briefly explain?

XML Parser provides a way to access or modify data in an XML document. XPath Parser − Parses an XML document based on expression and is used extensively in conjunction with XSLT. Dom Parser − Parses an XML document by loading the complete contents of the document and creating its complete hierarchical tree in memory.

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What are the interfaces of Sax?

Commonly Used SAX Interfaces and Classes

  • Main SAX Events. SAX groups its events in a few interfaces:
  • XMLReader. To register event handlers and to start parsing, the application uses the XMLReader interface.
  • XMLReaderFactory.
  • InputSource.
  • ContentHandler.
  • Attributes.
  • Locator.
  • DTDHandler.

What is XML parsing discuss SAX parser vs DOM parser?

There are two types of XML parsers namely Simple API for XML and Document Object Model….DOM Parser.

SAX Parser DOM Parser
It’s an event-based parser. It stays in a tree structure.
SAX Parser is slower than DOM Parser. DOM Parser is faster than SAX Parser.

What is parser in XML enlist its type?

SAX Parser − Parses an XML document on event-based triggers. Does not load the complete document into the memory. JDOM Parser − Parses an XML document in a similar fashion to DOM parser but in an easier way. StAX Parser − Parses an XML document in a similar fashion to SAX parser but in a more efficient way.