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How does tax affect financial statements?

How does tax affect financial statements?

This charge is reported on the income statement. The tax payable is the actual amount owed in taxes based on the rules of the tax code. The payable amount is recognized on the balance sheet as a liability until the company settles the tax bill.

Where is provision for tax shown in profit and loss account?

On that taxable profit we have to make provision for income tax at prevailing rate of income tax. This provision being a liability, showed at “Capital & Liability” side of Balance Sheet in the bracket of “Other Liabilities”.

What are the important provisions under income tax Act regarding the payment of advance tax?

Every person whose estimated tax liability for the year is Rs. 10,000 or more, shall pay his tax in advance, in the form of “advance tax”. As per section 208, every person whose estimated tax liability for the year is Rs. 10,000 or more, shall pay his tax in advance, in the form of “advance tax”.

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What is tax effect accounting?

Tax effect accounting is the procedure to adjust the difference between profits in business accounting and taxable income. This is in order to reasonably match profits before deducting corporate and other taxes.

Is tax provision the same as tax expense?

A company’s tax provision has two parts: current income tax expense and deferred income tax expense. To make things more complicated, most accounting departments use Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to calculate their financial position.

Why is provision for dividend or provision for taxation not dealt with as an item of working capital changes?

1. Proposed dividends can be considered as current liability and hence will decrease working capital in the schedule of changes in working capital. However, when dividends are paid, it is not treated as uses of funds. 2.

Why do we pay advance tax?

Also called ‘pay-as-you-earn’ scheme, advance tax is the income tax payable if your tax liability is more than Rs 10,000 in a financial year. By paying in advance, you help the government and also yourself by not finding it hard to pay the whole tax at one go at the end.

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What do you understand by advance tax how is it computed discuss the provisions of income tax Act regarding its payment?

Advance Tax is a form of tax payment in parts on the estimated income of the year, instead of full tax payment at the year-end. Every person whose estimated tax liability for the year is ₹10,000 or more, is liable to pay advance tax. It is paid in instalments.

Does provision affect cash flow?

Provisions are not cash outflows and therefore, in the most popular income methods, they do not play a significant role. reserves that are tax-deductible costs may affect the amount of tax burdens and thus in- directly affect the cash flow.